Better Together

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Within moments you and Peter were on your bed striped of all clothing he got on top as you laid on your back and you couldn't lie you were scared this was your first time after all..
Was it going to hurt?..
Would it work with him being a toon and you a human?..
Was he going
A million questions flooded your mind and he seemed to notice this..
"Hey.. sweet cheeks.."
You looked up at him..
"We don't have to do this if you've changed your mind"
"N-no i-i want to.."
"I'm scared.."
His gaze softened.
"You'll be okay I promise I won't hurt you I won't ever hurt you you hear?" He asked
You nodded..
"You can do this.. we'll do it together..just tell me to stop if you don't want me to anymore okay?"
You nodded which made him nod..he threw his hat off revealing his orange hair and gently with one hand grabbed a leg to spread it apart from the other..
This made you gulp..
When he leant over and wrapped an arm around your chest bringing you closer to his bare body you felt it against you and shivered..
"It's okay YN/'s okay I've got you I'm not going to hurt you you can do this.."
"W-what if it doesn't fit?"
"I'm sure it will I promise."
You nodded.
"You ready?"
You nodded.
"Here goes.."
With one rough push he was inside of you..
It did hurt..
Tears flooded your E/C eyes as you clung onto him.
"I'm sorry about hurts at first but your body will adjust it's alright to cry.."
He pecked your tears away and after a few minutes he started pulling out and pushing back in..
There were grunts and groans from you both but the more you both did it the less painful it got and the more good it felt..
Skin moving together connecting and disconnecting,pleasure and pain all at the same time bodies together like magnets pieces of a puzzle that had finally found each other..
He was moving in a rhythm that was so nice you were a mess clutching his back and feeding your fingers through his hair the  moaning and groaning grew louder and in time with each movement..
"Ohh~ Peter!~"
"Ugh I've been-dreamin-of this!~"
Peter looked up at the ceiling briefly groaning to it..
But as if he couldn't take anymore pleasure he used a hand and grabbed your left leg lifting it up into the air as he thrusted causing his movements to move deeper inside of you
He groaned loudly now.
"uhhg!~ uhhg!~ uhhg!~ uhh!~ naw YN/N!~ h-how are you-th-this uuhh~ ugh!~"
His head moved into the crook of your neck.
"Peterrrr!~" you moancooed
You arched your back at his deep thrusts and moved your head back now every deep hit causing your
E/C eyes to roll back into your skull..
He searched for something until he found it and moved wrapping both his arms around you pulling you in as close as close could be your sweat mixed....
"Ugh~ i-i-uhgghh~"
"I-uhh~uhh~ uhh~ uhh~ p-peter!~"
"Holy-moley-agh~ uh-fghh~"
Moving quicker you felt your insides swell..this felt to good now you were going to snap..
"P-pete-peter!~ Peter!~ Peter!~ Peter!!~"
"Uhh!~ ugh!~ I know hang-on!-oh no YN/N!~ YN/N!~ YN/N!~ UGH!~ YN/N!!~"
Pure pleasure so much pleasure it snapped the twig inside were his and his alone now you'd fallen into submission..
he didn't bother pulling out and simply collapsed on top of you..
You heaved and panted together..
"You w-were perfect~ I-I love you YN/N"
You wanted to praise him for your pleasure but fell asleep before you could say anything..

°•~Next Morning~•°

You woke up to the sun peeking in from you window exposing your skin and a sleeping Peter beside you..
Your lower ached and you realized neither of you had bothered to get changed..
Oh looked at Peter then at both really just..there was no going back to just friends now not when you both knew what sex with the other felt like speaking of which..had you used protection?..
You thinked no no no no no no!.
Your pupils shrunk and as you stood up your legs wobbled..shit..this was going to be forgot you were naked still..
You grabbed some clothes and threw them on you needed to get a pregnancy test ASAP..
With your wobbly legs you moved towards the door and into the living room..
Putting your shoes on and grabbing your keys..
"YN/N? what's going on? *Yawn* where are you going??" Peter groggily asked
He was in clothes now too he must've changed in a rush realizing you were no longer beside him..
"Out where? It's 7 in the morning..come back to bed.."
"..we didn't use protection.."
" do realize I'm a toon right? Your a human? I don't think I can get you pregnant which is what makes it more fun"
"We don't know that"
"Do you see any toonhuman hybrids?"
"No..come back to bed it's okay..look if you still want to go later I'll let you but for now get some more rest.."
he walked over and put a hand on your shoulder..
"Sweet cheeks your legs are as wobbly as a piece of jelly please come lay back down.."
He gave you a look that you knew all to well..
"What if-" you continued
"No what ifs let's go!"
You protested but he scooped you up and carried you back to bed he helped you take off your shoes and took your keys off of you So you didn't try and leave again..
He layed down and pulled you down with him into a cuddle from behind..
"See? Not so bad huh?" He asked
" guess not.."
"There you go now close your eyes and get some sleep"
"How much more sleep though? It's 7 in the morning"
"2 more hours"

°•~Two Hours later~•°

It had officially been two hours and before you could even think of launching out of bed Peter scooped you up.
"Peter~ it's been two hours~"
"I know but you fell asleep before me so I ordered a pregnancy test you know? That way you don't have to go buy one with your jelly legs and all?" He declared
"They're- they're only j-jelly because you made th-them jelly m-mister"
"Hehhehhehheh you liked it though I mean you were the one moaning my name the most and now your a stuttering mess and submissive because you know I won the dominance game and am in charge!" He declared
You went a deep red and tried to come up with a good comeback but couldnt think of one..
"Ha! Gotcha now let's get you seated and a movie playing!" He continued carrying you out to the couch..
"What about breakfast?" You asked
"I've got that covered." He declared
"Plus I will admit I was a bit to rough with you on your first time"
"It wasn't your first?" You asked
"It was but I've 'practiced' for it more or less"
"Eww gross Peter!"
"Well hey I was thinking of you so~"
"S-stop it-stop"
"Alright only because you might explode with how red you are"
Knock Knock
"That'll be your test I'll get it"
Peter answered the door and took the package before walking back into the living room and over to you.
"Test sure you want to do this?" He asked
"We-we need to be sure" you replied
He nodded and helped you to the bathroom waiting outside the door as you took the test..when you cleaned up and checked you sighed in relief..
Thank goodness negative..your legs however were too wobbly to walk on they were literally jelly legs..
"P-Peter!" You cried
He burst into the bathroom and you gave him the test before leaning on the basin.
"Take it easy calm down what's going on?"
"Look at the results Peter!"
He did and his pupils shrunk then went larger again..
"You were right I was stressing over nothing!" You continued
"Few sheesh YN/N can you not scare me like that?I thought it was positive!.."
"Would it be bad if it was?" You asked
"No not at all..but why'd you cry out like that if it wasn't positive?" He asked
"A-about that i-I just need your help I cant-"
You tried to move closer to him but your legs gave out..
"Wowwowkay your sitting back down" he replied after catching you..
He threw the test in the bin and carried you out to the couch where you both slomped on it and watched a movie or 2
This was the time you had missed when you were younger..the time you now enjoyed each millisecond of..


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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