Collection Of You

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"You collected..all of this?.."
He asked as he followed you over to the couch..
"Wh? How? Why?"
He asked
"I missed you this stuff reminded me of you I mean it is you.." you replied
"Some of this stuff is worth helps of never sold any of it? After all this time?"
He asked
"Can I? Look around?" He asked
"Of course"
You replied
You watched as he stood up and looked at the multiple posters,maps of Neverland action figures and snow gloves.
"Is this the 50th anniversary snow globe?" He asked

"You even have the musical snow globe! This things is worth hundreds!" "I know

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"You even have the musical snow globe! This things is worth hundreds!"
"I know.."

"They told the truth

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"They told the do still have it.."
"Have what?"
He turned to face you with the doll in his hand.

"I thought they were lying I thought there could have been noway you kept it yet

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"I thought they were lying I thought there could have been noway you kept it it it all is.."
He declared
"I mean your pillows on the couch even have covers with me on them.." he continued
"Is it..bad?.."
You asked
He grinned.
"No I'm flattered hehheh~"
He replied with a chuckle.
He put the doll down and sat beside you on the couch.
"So now what do we do?" He asked
" what do you want to do?" You asked
He grinned wider.
"I don't know..we could make out?" He suggested evily
You blushed super deeply and became a nervous wreck..
"Wh-what?" You gulped
"I'm just messing with you..unless you want to~"
He teased
"S-stop it-"
"Nawwww your getting all nervous~"
"Peter I swear-"
Your whole body froze then proceeded to melt into a blushing catastrophe when a pair of lips pressed against your cheek.
"Don't worry sweet cheeks your secrets safe with me" he declared
You smiled nervously before resting your head on his chest which caught him by surprise..he relaxed after a few moments and put an arm around you..

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