Seeing Peter

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After asking around for weeks you managed to locate which facility Peter was at and with lots of trial and error for a few more days you managed to convince them to let you talk to 'sweet Pete'.
The guard let you in and watched from afar as you stood in front of the glass.
"I've told you reporters it's sweet Pete now not Peter Pan and I'm not interested in anymore-.."
His eyes froze when they landed on voice had changed over the years..well nuh duh Y/N! You mentally facepalmed and after a few moments he spoke up.
"Y/N? Is that really you?"
You nodded.
Woah his voice tried to hide an inappropriate light blush before replying..
"'s me.." you replied
"What are you doing here?" He asked
"I moved back to LA..I found out you were here and decided to visit..if that's okay?" You replied
"Surprised you'd wanna see me you know? after you left me?" Peter reminded
This got the guards attention and in your peripheral vision you saw her talk to another guard outside the door.
"I had no choice Peter I was a child my grandma needed me and my parents-"
" It's sweet pete. And I needed you to."
He firmly replied
"I know and I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't fight more to stay with you I'm sure my grandma would have survived without me and I'm sorry I left maybe if I hadn't of left none of this would have-"
You sighed.
"Oh great make it about you!. I chose to be like this I chose to do what I did!."
He snapped and your E/C eyes started to well up with tears..
"I-i know That's not what I'm trying to do!"
"Then what are you trying to do?!"
"I'm trying to say I'm sorry! You needed me and I left you when you needed me the most you were alone and in pain and I just caused more of it I wasn't supposed to do that I was supposed to love and support you! I wasn't a good friend I should've stayed no matter what! I should've been there for you when you needed me Instead you had to face everything alone and I'm sorry I really am sorry Pete!"
"You should be." He gritted
You were taken back..
"You should be sorry. Very. Sorry."
He continued
"I-i am!" You cried your tears were obvious..
"I missed you! I tried so hard to get back to you but I couldnt-"
"Guess you didn't try hard enough..cry all you like your not forgiven."
"M'a'm can i talk to you please?" A lady came in she seemed to be in charge..
You nodded wiping tears away..
"Okay....goodbye Peter.."
He didn't reply as you were escorted out..
You followed the lady to her office where another lady and..chip and dale were waiting??..
You recognized that lady she was mentioned in the documentary..
"What are they doing here?" You asked
"One of my men overheard you and sweet names Lena Im the chief officer of this facility and this is Elle we were wondering if you too have a history? We just want to know if you were in on any of his crimes? his facility?" Lena asked
"What? No! me and Peter were best friends when we were little but I had to move away I just got back a few weeks ago" you replied
"Wait did you say crimes what else has he done?" You asked
"Stalking,Torture,Attempted murder,Toon trafficking,Slavery, Unethical experimentation and Mass kidnapping to name a few" lena declared
You gasped a little.
"Wait wait your telling me you knew Peter before he was in Disney?" Dale asked
"Yes..long before we met when we were babies" you replied
"Wow" chip gasped
"Woah! Cool!" Dale declared
"Why did you have to leave?" Chip asked
"My grandma was going blind and we had to move in with her to look after was not long after Peter got kicked out of Disney..I just came to apologize seems..he hates me.." you replied
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you! He's just holding a grudge he'll get over it! You wait he'll want to talk to you later!" Dale replied
"I highly doubt offense.." chip replied
"None taken.." you replied " is this all you wanted to ask? If you need proof I have it I can give you my parents numbers they'll tell you the same thing" you continued
"That'll be great thanks" lena declared..
She gave you a notebook and you wrote your family's numbers in there..
"Have a nice day.."

~•°Timeskip back at home°•~

You were thinking over what peter had said to you while bawling your E/C eyes had failed at being a friend..
You should be sorry.
You didn't try enough.
Your not forgiven.
I needed you.
When you heard a crash..
You went into your kitchen and grabbed something to defend yourself with didn't come to that when chip n dale barrel rolled out of the bathroom after falling from the window..
They had followed you home?

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