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After weeks of progress peters whole deminer changed he wasn't as aggressive or snappy he was almost becoming his normal self.
The normal self that you were used to his younger self his happy joyfully,adventurous younger self.
He didn't protest when you fed him like he did the first time and actually purred up to you the best he could do you'd give behind his ears a scratch..
You too were back to being close as close can be closer now that you admitted your feelings to each other..
He was being nice to the guards and even somewhat tolerated chip and dales presence when they were in the room instead of snapping and trying to lunge towards them..
You talked about unbootlegging to him often and he eventually agreed which..is what was happening now..
Peter was wheeled into the room with the machine after scheduling it with a specialist..
Guards undid his body cast and strapped his body down..
Getting a good look now at his bootleg appearance..his shirt was the same as his original costume with a gold necklace his left leg was Woody's leg,his right a transformer leg, his left arm a cannon gun from Mario with shredders shoulder? his right arm  was wreck it Ralph's..
His shorts where Mickey mouses..wait..why were you looking down there?!..
You looked away and at the machine with a deep blush as the doctor put Peter through machine the scan came up..
It came up with what had to be peters true appearance..woah..he was still a big dude even when he's unbootlegged!.
The process through the machine was quick and when he came out the other end you couldn't help but just stare and gulp..
To you he was..extremely attractive..
You looked at Lena who had joined you on this trip.
She nodded and you entered the room as the straps were undone..
One of the guards went up behind Peter as he sat up and jabbed his necklace with something.
"Wow! Hey this necklace is expensive! What are you doing?!" He gasped in fright
He perked up at your voice and looked at you before sliding off the table..
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" You asked
"unpleasant but I'll live haha!"
He declared you smiled and examined his true appearance..
"What? What's wrong?"
"You look-"
"Old? Bald? Sad like a zoo gorilla? Don't worry I know you don't have to say it I've heard it already"
"What! No! You're not bald! Who said that to you?" You asked
"What does it matter? They don't matter so no problem!" Peter replied
"There is a problem they shouldn't of said that to you" you replied
"Eh I'm not bothered what were you saying?" He asked
"I was going to say..you look good.." you replied
"Really? You think so?"
You nodded and he grinned mischievously
"You know you don't look to bad yourself~ shorty!" He teased
Pulling you into a noogie and scruffing your H/C hair this startled Lena and the doctor as well as the guards who got ready to attack sweet Pete In your defense but you just laughed not feeling at all in danger..
"Pffff haha Peter let go!"
He did..
"What? It's Not my fault your so short and easy to tickle!"
"I'm not short you're just tall!"
"Uh-huh" he chuckled
You were blushing and so was he..it was a treasurable moment..
Within a second you were both embracing each other in a tight hug..
He lifted you up off of the floor and rocked you side to side in his arms..
"Hang on a minute."
Peter put you gently down and looked at Lena..
"Back to jail? I know I know you don't have to rub it in or give me any lectures sheesh."
He lifted his arms up to be cuffed but Lena nor the guards made a move to cuff him..
"No..we have-I have come to the decision to let you stay with her at her home however there's a catch you are still technically under arrest which is why I had a device  put in your necklace..your on house arrest it will activate the second you enter her home if you try and leave or take the necklace off it will send an alarm to every officer in the area" Lena declared
"You mean he can?" You questioned
"I can live with her?" Peter finished your sentence
Lena nodded.
"Taking it off for sleep however is a different story if someone else takes it off the alarm won't happen so just get your girlfriend here to take it off" Lena stated
"i-uh-we're not technically?"
You and Peter looked at each other and both blushing messes before Peter seemed to think..
"Oh who am I kidding..Y/N do you wanna be my girlfriend??"
Peter asked you gasped and your pupils shrunk.
"Y-yes! Yes!"
Peter scooped you up and span you both around..
He cheered before placing you back comfortably on the ground..
"Are there any questions?" Lena asked
"Just don't go running off to restart your bootlegging facility because we will put you back in jail with no chance of redemption!" Lena warned
"alright alright relax take it easy I'm where I belong now so that just fine by me"
"Alright you to you'll be escorted home so no escape attempts are made" Lena ordered "let's move out!" She continued
You and Peter held hands as guards surrounded you and you were both put ina prison van..
The van dropped you off at home and they watched as you lead Peter inside and shut the door.
"Welcome home.."
"I thought you guys sold your house?" Peter stated
"No we just put it on rent..mum and dad wanted to put it up for sale after noone wanted to rent it so I asked to have it when I was older..its layed dormat until now.."
"Still nice and roomy like I remember"
You nodded.
"So uh? Where do I? Wow.."
His necklace glowed then stopped it must be the device Lena was talking about..
"Huh..where do I sleep?" He asked
"I'll show you....here.." you lead him through the house and showed him around but when you got to the collection room door you hesitated to open it..
"Are? You okay? What's behind this one?" He asked with an eyebrow raise.
"My collection room.."
You replied
"Collection room? what have you been collecting?" Peter asked
..you turned the handle and opened the door you heard him gasp behind you as he caught sight of what was behind the door..
"No way."
"I told you....I missed you.."

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