Renaissance titties

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Some dude threw amerie bag on the floor and she fell to the floor screaming

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Some dude threw amerie bag on the floor and she fell to the floor screaming

Dusty bends down and helps her "nice" dusty says

"Cool shirt" spider says
"Name one Dz death rays song" spider says

"Shut up spider" amerie and dusty say together

"How'd you pull off after the cemetery" amerie says

"Oh ye, hangover anxiety and stuff and all good yeah, you" dusty says
"Yeah had a really great night" amerie says

"You rehearsing today"
"The cate blanchets, right"
"No we're chronic fatigue now but um I don't know if it'll stick"  Dusty says

"Hopefully we figure it out by Friday night"

"Friday night?" Amerie says
"Yeah, um dads letting us throw a gig at mine, we're raising money for the global women's project"

"Aww that's so cool"
"Yea, look we got slap band tickets and everything"

"Ant, Jack hey hey hey um can we chat, you know how Dusty got  this thing Friday night"

"Nope" Jack says
"No chance, you said Darren gave me a wristy" ant says

"They did, didn't they"
"Well, yeah buts it's all the same if you close ur eyes , you really stuffed things up for me ams, my cousin told my auntie and she told my Grammy who put it on facebook now my mum found out, she's making me go to church three times more a week because of u"

"Okay, I am really, really, really sorry but not selling me a slap band won't change any of that".

"But it might make me feel better"
"That's not very Christian of you"

"Look you're going to have to talk to spider , okay"

In the slut classroom they are watching a women giving out her free noodles

"What the fuck is this" Jack asked

Quinni asked for a pencil and Sasha gave her one and then she dropped it on the floor crawled under the table and saw "Harper fucked Dusty"

Quinni asked why the girl forcing people to eat her noodles

"Because it's misogynist propaganda women aren't such dick obsessed idiots" Sasha says

"Uh, all the ones ive met are" spider says

"Your sims gf doesn't count spider" harper says

"Was it supposed to be a joke"

"Fuck you spider I want a slap band" amerie says

Quinni tell the group that she needs to give Sasha's pen back
And Darren tells quinni of what to say as quinni walkes away

Missy is on the floor watching Jack play football and Jack takes his shirt off and wipe his face

"Missy ik ur in a relationship with my brother" Sasha says

"Ye and what" Missy says
"nothing " Sasha says

Jack comes over to Missy and kissed Tf out of her
"Hey are u coming to the show" Jack asked

Harper walks in the boys toilets to have a haircut
"What do you want" spider says
"Just clean up the back for me" harper says
"Men only"
"What are you doing here then"
"Hahaha" jack says

"Spider, please sell me a slap band"
"What no, you cooked? No way"
"Dusty said I could come"
"Why do you think he put me  in charge of the tickets? Huh keep tossers like you out"
"Twenty bucks, right I can transfer it to you now"
"No it's gone up to eighty now"
"Cmon I'm asking you nicely"
"Ninety, be 100 in a moment"
"Listen you mayonnaise fuck what a your problem with me"
"Your the reason we're in sluts"
"Well, sluts is cancelled"

" you really want to come"
"Yes please"
"Hundred bucks then" Jack  said

Amerie goes round with blue ribbon
"You said sluts was cancelled I have to be at work soon" Darren says
"I love you remember you're loved" quinni says
Amerie gets to spider, spider pulls the slap band off
"Don't think about coming tonight" Jack  says
Jacks house
Jack slips out of missy
"Damn baby u make me so hard" Jack says in missys neck
"Mmm ik I do" Missy says
And too sweet by hozier came on
It's time for them to perform on stage
"I'm a fark" spider says and crushing his can against his head
And Dusty says something about a song about harper

"It's called "my life is nothing without the warm embrace of you left cheek"

Amerie found out that harper fucked Dusty and has a go at her

"Shitt that's fucking crazy" Jack says

Author: that's all for this episode see ya most of the chapters are short

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