The sheriff

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"What do you reckon" cash says "I mean it makes sense, Jojos a clit banger, she's always asking amerie to stay back after class" spider says

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"What do you reckon" cash says
"I mean it makes sense, Jojos a clit banger, she's always asking amerie to stay back after class" spider says

"Yeah to tidy up not to get some trim, Jesus, the whole thing is bullshit" Darren says

"Why do u think the person who made the accusation wants to stay anonymous" Sasha says

"If someone's made this up, it's a messed up thing to do" Missy says on jacks lap

"Yeah but why would someone even do that" ant says

"Yea, nice one harps, really outdone yourself this time" spider says

"Leave it man atleast sluts is cancelled" Dusty says

"Here comes the minge-muncher" Jack says

"Babes" Darren says

"Walk of shame" spider says
Missy and Jack go to Harry's  and go in a stall thing
(idk what they're called 😭😭)

They share some fries and a milkshake together

"Can't believe that amerie did that with jojo" Missy says

"Fr" Jack says


"Ah can't believe the gronk is back, shouldn't you be on therapy or something, show us on the doll where she flicked your bean" spider says

"Dude, shut up" Sasha says

"What" spider says

"Just leave her alone spider" Dusty says

"Have you got a hard on for her now" spider says

"Do you ever stop talking shit, seriously, man it didn't even happen, so just shut the fuck up" Dusty says

"I have a hard on for Missy rn" Jack says
All 5 of them look at Jack

"Oi watch out" ant says

They just all watch harper and amerie talk

"Can't believe they used to be friends" Jack says

"Don't say anything" spider quietly says
"I thought this shit was cancelled" Jack says

"Can everyone take their seats, get off the table Spencer, okay, Are we a full contingent today?
Where's Malakai?"  Woodsy says.

"Uh, he's not here miss, he's gone my country" Missy says

"Oh like overseas" ant says

"No the bush" Jack says

Spider snickers

"Did you have an extra bowl of stupid this morning? Anthony" woodsy says

"Uh, Miss,why have we moved classrooms?" Sasha says

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