The feeling pit

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Jack and the others dig a hole for something

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Jack and the others dig a hole for something

Jack has his shirt off
"Did sir say how big the hole was supposed to be?" Malakai says

"For you it doesn't have to be big, eh?" Jack  says

"Oh, yeah, perfect for your tiny tool, eh, jack?"

"Bro if we did dick sizes I would win cause my dick is 10 inches" Jack says

"Cmon fellas put your back into it, My mother worked harder in her nursing home community garden.God rest her soul" Voss says

"Sir no offence but what exactly are we doing "

"Other then breaking child labour rules" rowan says

"Are we digging our own graves? I'm not really into that" ant says

If you're not a little bitch, quit bitching and dig" spider says

"Listen, I've gathered you all here cause l wanna talk to you about pain.We know what it's like.We're used to being strong, having to act tough like we don't feel pain, but ik men and men feel, men feel hard"

"The last time I felt pain is when I cummed to hard with missy" jack says

"Now, this hole is it judgment-free hole, whatever it is that's bothering you, that's to painful or too difficult or scary to say out loud, write it down
because today, lads, is all about, hurrying our feelings"

"Burrying their feelings, they're literally burying their feelings" amerie says

Missy wasn't listening she was looking at Jack with his top of and the outline of his dick
"Oh my god Missy u do have it down bad for Jack" harper says
"Have u seen him" Missy says


Jack and the others wrote something down on the paper

"Maybe he's just got some personal shit going on" Missy says

"Like what"

"Jesus amerie I don't know, you Think I've got a hive mind or something" Missy says

"It's giving situationship, you know what they say
Eight out of ten situationships end badly."

"The other two?"

"End horrifically"

"I think I just need to ride out whatever this is, until he realises he wants to be with me" amerie says

Jack quickly runs over to kiss missy
"Love ya miss" Jack says running back to the boys after kissing her

"Damn that's hot" amerie says


"All right, boys, pens downNow, we are not archaeologists.You want to dig deep, but not too deep. So it's time to say goodbye to these feelings forever." Voss says

"I actually feel lighter" Spencer says

"Me, too. That or I'm hungry" ant says

"Very good boys" 

"Oi, Malakai"
"Be chill, am"
Hey, that looked like fun. You having fun?"

"Heaps of fun"

"Morning, Hartley High! Welcome to another day in paradise. I'm Zoe Clarke with your election poll update To no surprise, Amerie Wadia and her whore party are trailing in the polls, spencer and the c-lords party are sitting comfortably in the middle and and Sasha So and her whatever it is party -lead by a healthy margin, this three-way race is anything but tight, anything could change after todays fundraising competition, you stay deadly, Hartley high" Zoe says

"The Sydney Inter-Outer East Women's Association Pitch Day, is annual tradition, your talking points,these women provide campaign funding to the nominated school captain of underprivileged schools, to help develop future leaders, talking points, "  woodsy says

"So networking and nepotism" Sasha says

Jack rolled his eyes sat his sister

"Thank you Sasha, last year , each party raised over $1,000 each and historically, the party,that raises the most amount of money, goes on to win the election" woodsy says

"So they'll give us money" amerie

"They will listen to your election promises and if it sounds meaningful,they will give u some money, towards your campaign, so shall we go" woodsy says

"Watch out ladies  and Jack, I'm gonna be wipe the floor with these milfs, make sure you don't slip on the juices" spider says

"You're feral. amount of Lynx Africa can change that." Abbie says

"Okay how bout this, if you guys manage to raise more money than I do, I'll drop out of the election" spider says

"Done" Abbie says

They keep on talking


"Alright Abbie spit that gum out I can hear it from here right everyone, just act natural, don't be your usual self, especially you Jack, here we go" woodsy says looking at Jack that is jumping up and down

"Hey Jack stop" spider says

Author: I gave up with that part  😭😭😭😭😭😭

"All right, come on. Who was it? Who did it? bet it was you and the SLTs. This is a dog move, even for you."

"There's no trust left in the world." Ant mumbled
"Surprise, surprise. look who's responsible."
"No, it wasn't me I swear." Amerie says

"Explain this then!" Spider says.
"Why would i put a photo of myself at the scene of the crime?"

"So, u did do it, then?" Ant asked.

"No, you don't understand we were putting the secrets back. This is Bird Psychos work. It has to be."

"It was Pit Cunt. Pit Cunt did it." Someone called out.

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