Boys dont cry

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 A It's the night of formal the night that no one knows what's gonna happen next

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A It's the night of formal the night that no one knows what's gonna happen next

Missy and Jack are dancing with each over
"Hey Jack here's a heart for u" Zoe says
"Um no thank u hun my heart is with Missy so shew" Jack says ripping the heart


'Lords, assemble on the oval'.

"You boys got your helmets?" Voss asked,

"Good lads." Voss says .
"What are these for exactly?" Ant asked,
"The only way to survive this day and age, is to revolt, be warriors, once more, because the revolution is upon us, can you feel it?" Voss asked,
"Not really." Ant says

"I said can you feel it!" Voss says

"Because this woke world, it's got it's claws out for you boys, saw it happen with my father. I watched my dad, my hero, beg, grovel, compromise, and then apologise, and for what? a series of allegations from a group of jealous employees who clearly wanted to bring him down." Voss says

"I thought it was just one joke?" Spider asked,
"What?" Voss says
"I thought it was just one joke that got him fired?" Spider says
"Yeah, and then it was a pile-on." Voss says
"Because of the joke?" Spider

"Well, maybe your dad was just a bit of a dick." Spider said,

"Man up. Either you are with me, or you're against me. What's it gonna be?" Voss said,


"I'm sorry, to all of you, I know I've been a prick to pretty much every single one of you at some point." Spider said,

"Piss off Spider!" Cash says
"I'm trying to fucking apologise! Okay? I fucked up. And im not gonna make excuses, um, im gonna own it, and I know you probably don't believe me, but I wanna be... better. And not because I expect anything from you, that's not what this is, I need to do this for myself, because otherwise. Look, I know you're probably never gonna want to speak to me again, and I completely understand why, I just...I hope I can be worthy of your respect, one day. You're always telling me to shut the fuck up, so, I think it's time I actually did, starting now. Abbie I love u so much " Spider says

"I said this is our last stand! We will not be silenced! You have overseen untold injustices on the males at Hartley High! And you have ruined their future opportunities and destroyed this school!" Voss was
"Right! Nothing to see here. Everybody back inside to out lovely formal!" Woodsy

"Even boys you thought were immune can fall prey to the relentless campaign of the woke brigade." Voss said,
"Why are you all still here? Come on." Woodsy said,

"Let's not listen to cumlord or the rings out there. Back inside!" Jojo says

Fire spreads everywhere

"Where is amerie, harper and jack has anyone seen amerie, harper or jack"

"Jack" missy sobs as she shouts as she runs to the building but Sasha holds her back, Sasha was holding back tears as she knew that her brother may not make it
"I can't lose my brother"  Sasha says

Amerie, harper, rowan and quinni came out without any trace of Jack

"WHERES MY BROTHER" Sasha runs to amerie

"He wasn't with us sash" amerie says

"No, no not my brother" Sasha says

Missy starts sobbing with the others

"Is that Jack" ant ask

They see Jack slowly limping out of the fire

"Jack?" Missy says
Jack looks up sadly at Missy but falls over

"JACK" Sasha says running over to him

"One of us would die for love, I would die for love Missy" Jack says coughing

"We need a paramedic" Sasha shouts and the paramedics take Jack into the ambulance

They all watch as the school burns down

Jack has been checked over and he was given a bandage for his leg

Ant, harper, amerie and Missy all go In The ambulance to see how he's doing

"Hey guys" Jack says very quiet
"How are you doing" ant says
"Ant he just came out of the fire" harper says
"I'm fine for now" Jack says
"Baby, you scared me" Missy says

Author: they all left us with a cliffhanger 😭😭😭

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