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"All righty

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"All righty. Thank you all for showing up today.
Hang on, we're missing Dusty?"
"Yeah, he's not coming"
"Well, I saw him this morning. He should be here.

"So, uh, we're going to be playing a game called 'Stuck in the Mud.' You might be familiar with it. If you get tagged, you're stuck and you can't move again unless someone crawls between your legs and sets you free."Okay, why?"

"Because why not? It could be fun. Amerie, you're 'it.' If Amerie manages to get you all stuck in five minutes, I think I'll give her, I don't know, 20 bucks. Okay, laps. Let's go." Jojo says

"Okay. New rule, anyone wearing a checkered shirt is now automatically stuck for the rest of the game."
"What the hell, you can't just change the rules." Jack says "Actually, yeah, I can."
"Now anyone wearing blue is also stuck. And anyone wearing a watch That means you, Spencer and jack Well, fairness is irrelevant. You're stuck in the mud or you're on double detention."
"All right. Good hustle, Amerie. Twenty dollars, as promised." Jojo says

"You can't make us play a game and then change the rules every ten seconds." Missy said

"Right. So you all agreed to play the same game, but someone, me, decides to change the rules. Does that feel fair? But you still kept playing?" Jojo says
"Yeah because you told us that we'd all get detention and you promised Amerie 20 bucks. It was rigged." Jack says

"So this brings us to the point of today's exercise. I want you to start thinking about this unfair power balance. About other times something like this might happen in life. A boyfriend who decides what their partner is allowed to-"
"Yeah, here comes the man-bashing."

"You want to know what is unfair? The fact that this entire school is out to get anyone with a pair of nuts." Jack says "Okay, that is completely untrue"
"So I get detention for looking the wrong way, but Harper gets a pat on the back for publicly shitting on Dusty. You wonder why he doesn't rock up."  Spencer says

"Hey, look around, Jack and spencer. No one's feeling sorry for you or Dusty because you aren't the victims here "and I really don't think you're convincing anyone that you are. Anyway-"
"fucking feminazis, man." Spencer sways "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"I said this is bullshit!"

"Get out of my class! Both of u"

"Fuck u jojo hope u get fired" Jack says walking out

Jack finds somewhere to sit outside, missy joins him
"Jack are u okay" Missy says

"Yea just thinking jojo has favouritism " Jack says

"She probably has" Missy says

Jack pulls Missy down on his lap and starts kissing her

Spider and ant come to sit next to them

"Guys we're in public and woodsy might catch u" ant says

"Like I give a fuck" Jack says

Missy just looks at Jack with love in her eyes

Ant and spider look at them and look at each other nodding that Jack and missy belong with each over

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