Just kid shit

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Jack is eating out Missy

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Jack is eating out Missy

"How was that huh?"
"It was alright, give it about a seven"
"Piss off That didn't sound like a seven Hey sorry we can't have sex or whatever at the moment"

"Does it look like I need a dick in me God, what's with guys thinking if there's no P in the V then it's not sex?Did you not listen at all in SLTs? 'Course you didn't. Look, I'm enjoying myself plenty so If there only a really problem if you are t getting what you need" Missy says

"No, no, no. I am. I am. This is um awesome" Jack says holding missys hand

"Cause, like we can do other stuff if you want, you know, like, none dick stuff" Missy says

"I don't know, I mean, like I could tie u up or put something up ur ass"

"You know what I mean, I could dance for u"

"Like a lap dance " Jack asked

"Ye I mean I got some pretty deadly dance moves" Missy says

"Oh let's see em then "

Missy farts on Jack (I can't with that scene where she farts on spider 😭😭😭)

Jack gets a boner

"Oh, my god, you pervert, that's so messed up"

"Ik, do u wanna "

They fuck hehe

"Quick gotta commemorate your big moment" missy says as she takes a pic

"Piss off" Jack says laughing

"Cute" Missy says

"Where u going babe"

"Promised mum I'll help her with food" Missy says

"Switzerland It says here it gets to minus ten degrees in Geneva. And like that veal livers like a national food" Missy says

"Your not actually considering going are u" Jack asks

"Could be kinda cool They've got international schools where you ski and learn different languages and stuff so honestly uh, Right now, I'm struggling to think of many reasons to stick around"

"Well fuck you very much" Jack says
"Apart from both of u"
"Can't your mum just find another job here?"
"No, I want her to go I mean the job it's it's a huge deal for her, just, like dad has another year on his contract here so, they said it's up to meI can either stay with him, or fly out with Mum."

"Well, when do you have to decide?"

"Mum leaves in like a week day of formal actually"

"I can't believe you're actually considering this."

" well rowan dropped me , amerie is just sick of my shit, don't know I feel like I messed everything up, maybe a fresh start would be good for me"

"Look, I know things have been really, really hard,but you should at least stay and try to sort your shit out.Otherwise, you'll never know if you left 'cause you wanted to, or 'cause you were running away like a little bitch" Jack says

"Yeah, well, maybe you're right."

"He's always right" Missy says

"Oh. There, it says here that
the Swiss are a bunch of little bitches-So maybe you'll fit right in."

"Oh, it's t-ball not rocket science jenny"
"Rack off rivers"


Quinni walks in a party looking fab as always

"Holy fucking shit" Jack says dancing with Missy

Missy and  Jack go off somewhere

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