The grapes of voss

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"It is election day, Hartley High

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"It is election day, Hartley a surprising turn of events Spencer of the cumlords  party  has taken a hit in the polls and is neck and neck with amerie wadia of the SLT party With today's debate looming,the main question on everyone's mind "Who will claim victory?"I'm Zoe Clark. You stay deadly Hartley high"

"Nah bro" Jack says holding hands with Missy


"Welcome everybody, to the school captain debate. Amerie had an emergency, she had to go home. No cheering, no booing, no interruptions, and no exposing of private parts, yes I am specifically looking at you, Anthony Vaughn. So without further ado, here's our candidates!
Sasha So, of the QSMCCALP party. Up next, Spencer White of the cu- or the C-lords party. And finally, Amerie Wadia of the SLT party. Where's Amerie? Is Amerie here? No, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, isn't that right Jojo? So, uh, Amerie doesn't appear to be here today, so, instead we have Quinni! For the SLT party!" Woodsy says

"We all know trust is key in a relationship, even that between a school captain and her peers, but I won't consider myself your captain, no, the very word denotes colonialism, whiteness, oppression, no, I will be your comrade, and you can trust me." Sasha explained confidently.
"Words, uh, words are very powerful, Sasha, thank you, okay so, moving along, Quinni, what are the core values of the SLT party." Woodsy

"There's a reason... that most of the world is run by men. Men are more analytical, able to make difficult decisions, without letting their emotions get in the way." Spider spoke,
"You might want to tone it down, thank you Spencer." Woodsy warned

"That is such gendered bullshit!" Sasha called out, looking over at Spider.
"See? See, Sasha can't even control her emotions, I didn't interrupt you today, I let you speak, comrade, and I would let Amerie speak, but her absence speaks for her. See, this kind of flaky behaviour is typical of women." Spider
"Okay, you're standing on shaky ground."

"Say one thing, do another, their words mean nothing! They will lie to you with their mouths, with their bodies, use you to get what they want." Spider says
"Inappropriate, thank you Spencer! Enough!"

"Ask you to change, and when you do, it's just not good enough, cause the reality is, they don't want you to change. No, they just want someone that they can blame for all their problems in their life!" Spider says
"Do you really want this wank stain to be your school captain?" Sasha says

"Okay, I'm serious now, both of you need to please-" Woodsy says

"Shut up! Neither of you should be school captain, this is the easy part, making promises, pretending that you care? But what are you gonna do when it gets hard? You gonna actually put in the effort? Or are you going to try and make us play by your rules? You're both only doing this for yourselves." Quinni says

"That is not true, I am a woman of the people." Sasha
"Who's that?" She asked,
"Who?" Sasha asked,
"The girl in the red jumper?" Quinni says
"It's Lucy." Sasha

"It's Marjorie Evans, she's on the state hockey team, she rides her bike to school every single day, she's got a smiths sticker on her bike." Quinni explained,

. "Spider, who's that?" Quinni asked,
"Uh, we just call him 'tripod' because he's hung like a tripod." Spider says

"It's Benjamin Chen, he runs the chess club, he spends every lunch time in the library. You two want to be leaders of the people, but you don't even know who you're leading. There are kids in this school, who aren't into activism, and don't want to roast pigs on the oval, kids who aren't sluts or cumlords, you ignore them, you don't offer them anything, why should they vote for you?" Quinni says

"Um, slay! So, vote for Amerie!" Darren says

"Amerie's not even here, you know what is here, the rubbish bin is here, vote for that Vote for the mouse poo in the sport shed, vote for the lunch lady's moustache, vote for cupcakes!" Quinni says

"Okay, Quinni, thank you, I think we've come to the natural end of this debate, and wow, thank you Quinni, and so, uh, all of you have until the end of the day to vote, so, vote." Woodsy says
"Okay, and now the moment that you have all been waiting for. Who will be, Hartley High's new school captain, drumroll please Right, and the winner is... Quinn Gallagher-Jones!" Woodsy says

"She wasn't even running!"

"Okay, we'll take a few minutes to sort this out!"

"Okay everyone! Can everyone just settle down please?"

Author: yes I'm spoiling u guys so I'll just post this one and the last one

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