SLT vs cumlords

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"Well, I am really glad to see you all, I was kind of worried no one would show up

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"Well, I am really glad to see you all, I was kind of worried no one would show up.
And I'm pleased to see new faces too."
"Still your SLTs, Miss." Amerie says .
"I thought you'd be too busy with your campaign to make time for sexual literacy." Sasha says

"Well, I hope that making it an elective means we can have more constructive and healthy discourse about sex and sexual-" Jojo says .
"Now that it's just us girls, I was thinking maybe we could discuss why straight men don't know how to wash their assholes properly." Darren said 
"I am really glad you stayed, Darren." Jojo says .
"T'd like to commend you for inviting other less sex obsessed students into this class to shift it away from being an echo chamber." Zoe says

"come get your cousin, please."
"Uh, racist much? Not all black fellas are related." Sasha says
"Oh, nah, she actually is my cousin." Missy says
"Damn baby that sucks" Jack says

"What the hell is that?" Amerie say

"Excuse me. I think we've booked out this space for our values relay." Jojo says
"I believe there's plenty of room for both." Voss says .
"Yeah, but we shouldn't have to breathe in dead carcass while we're doing a school activity, Mr.
Voss." Jojo says
"Well, it's a football field, Ms. Obah, not an arts precinct." Voss says .
"Last time we checked, it's not a farmers market, either." Darren s
"Rack off. This is Lord territory." Spider says

"As candidate for SLTs..." Amerie says.
"Since when?" Sasha asked .

"..1 demand equal access to public spaces."
Amerie says
"Well, as a Q-S-M-C-C-A-L-P candidate, I would like to also add that this is vegan hate. not to mention blatantly against the rights of the Hartley High's Jewish and Muslim students." Sasha says

"get that pig off the oval!"
"Why don't we get this pig off the oval first?"
Spider says.
"The fuck did you just say?" Missy
"Say that again spider I dare you" Jack says as Missy hold him back


"Harps, you okay? you wanna sit down?" Abbie
"No, I'm fine." Harper says.

"Fucking psycho." Spider says

Spider stood still, watching Abbie run he got hit in the face with the ball.
Abbie picked up the ball quickly before kicking it into the goal, winning the game.

"It's great that the conflict was resolved through physical methods, but there are plenty of other safe spaces in school that we can—"

"something to add, Zoe?"
"Well, is this a safe space?" Zoe say .
"I'd hope so." Jojo says
"Or is it just a space that encourages teens to have sex?" Zoe says .

"I wouldn't say that." Jojo shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Miss, but I think Zoe and her puritans are in the wrong class. we're sex positive here."
"Yeah, I'm sex positive too." Zoe say ,
"positive that meaningless sex leaves you feeling like shit."

"Speak for yourself." Amerie says
"I am actually I've gone...56 days and I feel amazing. No masturbation, no sex. It's all over TikTok. That celibacy improves mental clarity and energy levels—"

"Okay I got a 10 inch dick and i am a boy i do sorts of things like fuck missy, jerk off because I can't help it getting a fucking Boner" Jack says
"Yeah u tell her baby" Missy says

"I saw a TikTok that says orgasms actually improve the immune system and cardiovascular health." Sasha says

"If we could all stop taking medical advice from TikTok, that would be great."

"I'm happier, I have a stronger sense of self worth. I'm in a committed relationship. Felix. He's in Year 12. He's not going to get to see my naked body until I'm sure he's in love with my naked soul."

"Give me a break."

"It's the reason, I don't get into the sort of unfortunate situations that some other girls have found themselves in."

"Fuck off, Zoe!" Amerie says .
"Let her keep talking." Harper
"I'm just saying, if you've made it no secret that you're the kind of girl that has threesomes, has zero sense of self worth and fucks other people's boyfriends-"

"Omfg" Jack says

"then what?! Huh?!"

"Okay, that's enough"

"You know, I'm all about defending mob but you're making it really fucking hard right now."
Missy says.
"Guess not all skinfolk are kinfolk." Zoe says

"Zoe no one fucking cares cunt" Jack says

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