First Time

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               Learning a new job is difficult, especially when you are used to one method of something, and learn a completely new method- for the same thing. Iyla is a Certified Nursing Assistant, and she, now, handles the billing department of a smaller firm. Which, she couldn't complain, she hated how big the other firm was, how many patients there was to call and bill and get yelled at by. Del-Health Inc. was perfect for her, even better as hybrid work space was available, so when she doesn't feel like coming into work she can just hop on her laptop and get right to it, from her bed. Who doesn't want to get paid in their PJ's? Iyla was fairly good at her job, she had been doing the same thing for about four and a half years, she didn't feel the need to change that, yet. Anyways, Iyla was a usually headstrong and focused woman, as focused as a twenty-four year old can be, honestly, doesn't the frontal lobe start to finish developing by then? You would think so. But, since working at Del-Health, she's noticed she's distracted... every day. At the same times. Who could blame her, though? He was such an attractive distraction. Oops.

            The first time Iyla ever laid eyes on the owner of Del-Health himself, she froze. They had stumbled upon each other when he had come in on his off day to complete some paperwork and listen in on a meeting. He was handsome, more than handsome, but what even is the word for that? Intriguing, astounding, ravishing. All of the above, the man was IT. She later found out his name, after going back to her desk and hyperventilating, upon doing more research of the facility. Victor Odette Delarosa. Victor, Victor, Victor. She really liked his name. She got lost in finding out more things about him, he was thirty-two, single, fit. Not like gym-bro fit, either. He was naturally fit, broad chest, big arms, large chest. His hair was everything, Iyla wanted to smell it. Weird. She had been working for the company for a little over two months, now. Everytime Iyla was coming into work, he had just gone home, whenever Iyla leaves her shift, he's sitting in his car about to begin his. He runs his own facility and handles the sister facility with his sister, Olivia.

           When Iyla first spoke to him, after freezing completely up, she was smitten. She felt like a school-girl, so naturally- she reacted like one. She's a mixed girl, but she is so sure he saw her cheeks turn beet red when he said her name. He had took it upon himself to introduce himself to her because they hadn't "formally met, yet.", and she wished they had. He explained how he was excited to see her performance at the facility, and she knew she was going to have to do her absolute best, just because he said something. That was a couple of weeks ago, now she makes sure she is on time, if not early, every single day. When she is off the clock, she is active in the work groupchat to ensure she can't help in any way. Her focus on work was good.. some days. The days Victor came to the office and she happened to be there while he was, clouded her mind. He clouded her mind. She can never help but to think about the way his curls look after he gets out of the shower. She wonders if his back flexes when he lifts things, God what she wouldn't give to see him actually lift stuff. Maybe her. He was a gorgeous Brazilian man, she'd be crazy to not think he was attractive.

            Admiring from afar was becoming a little harder and harder the more she found herself searching him up, stealing glances, making sure she was in his line of view. Was she obsessed? Not yet. Delusional? For sure. You would be too if you saw this man. Tall, beautiful olive skin, he has these yellow-hazel eyes that make her knees weak. His hair... he looked like Tarzan in a man-bun and a fade. Don't ask why she's attracted to Tarzan. This new job is hard. Difficult, even. She cannot focus around him. This is gonna be fun.

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