Sunday Mornings

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Iyla's house, 5 AM EST.

For someone to be so excited to see someone they're not dating, or in love with, is crazy. Yet, here she was. Doing it. Iyla knew she was a little too excited to see Victor, but, she couldn't help it, he actually made her feel things, even if it is just sex. She has never felt so sexually needed, so encapsulated by someone. She's never had her whole body feel electrified just by someone's voice. Now, it could be her mind just playing with her, she knows she shouldn't feel anything for him. She really shouldn't have ever engaged with him, but, he was so... perfect. Iyla didn't even know how she got this far with him, but, no matter what, she doesn't want it to stop. Even if that means she has to stuff any feelings she develops; down.

Iyla woke up early, because she wanted to pack a bag, hoping he might want her for the night. She got up, checking her phone for messages, swiping on the message for Gina, she smiled.

'Gm m'lady, are u going to the dinner tn still????'
'gm my love & yes ofc i am! an excuse to get really pretty and see you'
'ur so sweet to me im blushing'
'what r u wearing?'
'why do u wanna know, wanna seeeee??' Iyla laughed at the excessive use of smirking emojis.
'i dont think i wanna wear a dress'
'then dont, you'll look good in anything'
'ty babes. we know why im up, why are YOU up?????'
'no reason, just up, wanna see the sunrise n all that mess'
'yeah ok lala, when u wanna tell me the truth ill be here ily ill txt u at 1 when i get off'
'ilysm' Iyla locked her phone, setting it back down on the bed and grunting. If she didn't care so much, this would be easier. She reluctantly got out of bed, remaking it and tucking her phone under her pillow to stay on charge, she went to the restroom first to pee, then she trotted on down the hall and started to get herself something to eat, she decided on a bowl of fruit, she wasn't really a breakfast-when-it-wasn't-light-out-yet kind of girl. She took the already-cut fruit she got from the local produce market, she loved it there because the fruit was always sweeter. Her favorite was the strawberries and watermelons. She sat on the couch, turning her TV on and immediately going to Hulu to watch Rick & Morty, for the hundredth time this week. She picked at the bowl in her lap, intent on finishing this episode, then she will go find her phone. She spent about an hour of her morning just waking up, and those episodes definitely did it for her, she got up off the couch, the, now empty, bowl in her hand and she started to make her way to the kitchen. She put the bowl in the sink, filling it with water and letting it soak, she does not have the energy just yet. Lazy, lazy, lazy. She looked around to make sure everything was good, otherwise. Iyla then made her way past the living room where another episode begins playing, and to her room down the hall. She reached her bed and grabbed her phone from under her pillow, the time showing six-thirty AM, now. She swiped up on her notification screen and clicked on the name she had been waiting to see.

'Goodmorning, pretty girl.' Instantly started melting. She doesn't know how she expects herself to not catch feelings when he's so sweet to her.
'goodmorning handsome, ik its early, but howd you sleep? you make it to the airport yet?'
'I'm already on the plane, babe. Been on for about an hour, now. Just didn't want to wake you.' he's so considerate.
'wish u would have, ive been up for an hour n a half):'
'Sorry, sorry. I'll make it up to you.'
'u better.'

Iyla locked her phone, and she proceeded to go through her closet, she pulled out the dress she bought from Windsor, she was not leaving without it. Another reason why she wanted to know what Gina was wearing. She laid the dress on the bed, she picked her phone back up and reopened hers and Gina's messages, clicking the photos option, sending her yesterday's photo she took while trying to style it.

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