Sunday Nights

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Victor's house; 5:30 PM.

After sleeping through most of the day, and waking right back up to ride the very man that fucked her to sleep, practically, it was time to get ready. Iyla had been in the shower, again, for about half an hour, she scrubbed her body clean, she was stuck in thought, most of the time spent in there. She was wondering if it would be too girlfriend-like to ask him to accompany her. Not only did she not want to be the person with no date, but, she really wanted him to come. She wanted to see him get all cleaned up. She had a grocery bag tied around her hair, they got creative to keep her hair dry, she brought her mini straightener with her, thank God. When Iyla was finally done in the shower, she stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself after drying off and she huffed. She was gonna ask him to come with her. So, she shuffled into the cold, cold bedroom, shivering a little bit and she sat on the edge of the bed, trying to put her life together to start getting dressed. She picked her bag up off the ground by the bed, mentally thanking Victor for putting it there before she showered. When she opened it up, she pulled out her dress, the jewelry she was going to be wearing, a pair of panties, and her makeup pouch. She placed the bag itself back onto the ground, she unloaded her makeup on the bed, careful to not make it such a cluttered mess, she didn't want to terrorize his bathroom with all her girly stuff. She began doing her simple, but so elegant, makeup. She brushed out and straightened the curling ends of her wig, and she decided to do a half-up-half-down look, and she achieved it flawlessly, as always. When she finished her hair and makeup, it was about 6:15, she kept the towel on and she hurried out of the room, looking for Victor, she found him sitting on the couch, she smiled as she went downstairs.

"Will you go to the dinner with me?" she practically blurted it right at him, she giggled nervously, and it made Victor laugh.
"I was waiting for you to ask," he chuckles, reaching a hand out to her, to which she happily shuffled closer and took it. He pulled her down into his lap, one hand on her thighs as they laid over him, the other around her back.
"I didn't want to overstep whatever," she gestured between them. "We're doing here." she whispers, Victor raised a brow, he himself unsure of what they were doing, to be honest. It's been what, a few months? Is that even long enough to call it anything besides what it is? He doesn't even know her favorite meal, they've never been on a proper date... now he was starting to have ideas.
"Well," he started. "You could never overstep with me, whatever you want to do, ask, or say; I will most likely be okay with all of it." he laughs, and he was being truthful. Even though they are nothing more than what they have been, it never stops him from lingering in hugs to smell her, keeping his hands as close as possible to her body so he can always feel her skin, he likes when he wakes up first and catches her snoring. Oh, boy. Victor wasn't good at reading signs, he's never been good at it, because to him, Iyla just wanted only what they had going on. He was so wrong, but, he's not going to dig. He's learned to let the women lead. He hasn't been in many serious relationships, he's been in quite a few of situationships, though.
"Okay..." she trails, smiling softly. "So, you do wanna go with me? We can go as friends, if that makes you more comfortable." she says, following up with; "Unless that's weird because we are past a friendship, but, I know this isn't anything more than... sex? I just don't know what you want or what you might be okay with, I don't want to make you feel weird and you think I am doing too much, because, well, I'd expect you to-"
"Iyla!" he laughs, she giggled nervously.
"I want to go to the dinner with you, I don't think you're doing too much. You make me feel so comfortable, I almost forget that we aren't on labels, yet." he said carefully, hoping his words resonated well enough. Iyla nodded her head slowly, and she looked at him, and then she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Okay," she hums, "Go get ready, then." she smiled, hopping off his lap, only to have the towel she was wearing to be unraveled by Victor, earning a smirk from him.
"You first." he said slyly, she rolled her eyes.
"I'm half way there, perv." she laughed, walking away with the purposeful sway of her hips, her ass jiggling with every step she took up the stairs and he was stuck. His gaze only breaking when he lost sight of her, he shook his head and stood up off the couch. He followed behind her after he had gone to the kitchen, bringing her a drink of water so he could go and get ready, which only would take him about forty-five minutes, enough time to be either just about to leave the house, or, fashionably late. Once Victor had sent himself into the bathroom, he immediately started on his scruffy look, he spent fifteen minutes shaping his growing beard, shaving excess hair, and styling his hair in a wet-look. He brushed his short hair, and then ran his fingers through it with some gel to lock in the swooped, barely-tried look. A few strands coming down over his forehead, he had grabbed his glasses from the drawer, after he washed his face and brushed his teeth. His face and hair were done, he exited the bathroom, only to see Iyla facing the bed, zipping up the back of her gorgeous dress. He leaned against the frame, watching as the dress molds up with her body as she zips it up, her curves so detailed in the creamy white dress. He looked over every inch of her, pushing off the doorframe, he walked up behind her, one hand to her hip, the other swooping the back of her hair to one of her shoulders, leaning down and kissing the exposed one.
"You look so beautiful, Iyla." he whispered against her skin, Iyla tilted her head, giving him more room, she smiled.
"Thank you," she said quietly, trying not to bite at her freshly colored lips, she works hard on her lip coloring. She turned in his grasp, her arms coming up and wrapping around his neck, his hands instinctively grabbing her hips, pulling her closer to him. He only had his boxers and basketball shorts on, and Iyla was loving every bit of it.
"Your hair looks so good," she whispers, as if she spoke too loud, it would ruin everything. Her hands sliding from his neck, and down his chest that she's come to be obsessed with. It was so tone and detailed, his muscles weren't for show but they were absolutely there. She loved when he flexed while he fucked her, when he picked things up, when he stretches. She smirked, both her hands pressed at his chest now still sliding down his stomach. Victor hated defined abs, he had abs you could feel, but, can't see them.
"Thank you, pretty girl." she smiled, she loved his name for her. She loved everything he would say to her.
"Go, finish getting dressed. You can't trick me into sucking your dick, this time." she giggles, and Victor fake gasped.
"Tricked?! You pulled my dick out in the office, I didn't do it!" he laughed, as they parted from each other, walking to his closet.
"You were the one talking so seductively," she teased, sitting on the bed, watching him. She felt her phone start vibrating, so, she reached for it and she looked at her notifications screen.
"But, you put it in your mouth." he rolls his eyes, smiling as he started slipping on a black collared button-up, rolling the cuffs up his forearms, buttoning them in place, there. He buttoned it all the way up except for three buttons, giving space to see his toned chest, and his tattoo on his shoulder that came to his chest, a little. He decided on a pair of nice black dress pants, he slid those on when he slid his shorts off, buttoning them, sliding a belt on.

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