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Another day of getting up earlier than her alarm so she can look her best, especially today. There was a meeting today, meaning everyone including Victor will be there. Even his sister, Olivia. Iyla woke up at five o'clock in the morning, when her alarm is set for seven, just so she would have time to try on at least three outfits. Which, she settled on her favorite office dress. Normally, she would be dressed in her pale pink scrubs and crocs with so many different trinkets on them, today she wanted to show she looks just as good outside of the scrubs. Iyla was attractive, head to toe. She knew it, too. She knew how to dress the very blessed curves she has, she knew how to keep her makeup minimal and still cute, she had these perfect plump lips and gorgeous curls. Iyla has always been a spitting image of her mother, and she will be the one to proudly tell you. She had a bit of a tummy on her, but it comes with the price of a curvy and thick figure. When she finished straightening her- usually curly messy bun- she put on a deep blue fitted pencil dress. It clung to every part of her lusciously. It came right above her knees, and it was long sleeve, she gets cold easily, the cleavage was subtle but absolutely there. She did her light make-up, put on her black closed-toed heels that clasped around the ankle, grabbed her work bag and purse, she was out the door. By this time, it was half an hour before the meeting was supposed to start, usually the meetings will have coffee but, never pastries. She took it upon herself to go to the local bakery, which happens to be owned by her bestfriend's family, to get some breakfast pastries and to say her good morning's to her 'second family'.

"Good morning, Krusty Crew!" she sing-songs as she entered the shop. It was seven AM, why would anyone be this cheery in the morning?

"Good morning, Iyla!" called out Rallo, Gina's father.
"Hi, sweetie." with a kiss to the cheek, from Mae as she was sweeping. Gina's mother.

"Ew, you look ridiculously good for it being a Tuesday morning," Gina finally appears, rolling her eyes but, offering the sweetest smile and a hug to her friend.
"Thank you, thank you." Iyla smiled, hugging her back. "There's a meeting today, Victor and his sister will be there, seems important..." she trailed off, trying not to make it seem like it was only about Victor. But, Gina is her best friend, she already knows. She smirks and hums a little, heading back behind the counter to start putting together an assorted box of pastries.

"I don't know why you don't just ask for his number, you know. Like a normal person?" Gina giggles, placing in powdered bear claws and roasted almond bear claws.
"I already have it..." Iyla groans.
"Then use it!" Gina laughs, finishing up with a line of beautifully placed donuts. She set the box on the counter, closing it up and adding a cute pink ribbon to it- Iyla's favorite color.

Iyla sighed as she pulled the box towards her, pulling out her wallet from her purse and taking out twenty-five dollars. She's never charged, so she always tips. "I wish it was that easy to text my boss's boss that I want to see him come out of a pool in slow motion wearing white briefs." she over-detailed, dramatically. Resulting in a snort from Gina and a gag from her father. "Women are something else." He mutters, walking further into the back to prepare more pastries.

"I'm just saying, maybe at least start a conversation with him? You're twenty-four acting like you have a crush."
"I do have a crush," she dramatically huffs, pulling the box into her hands, a coffee already placed on the counter for her, even though they bring coffee, it's never as good as Mae's coffee. Iyla started making her way to the exit, Gina following suit. She put her back against the door, opening it and stopping to say; "Thank you, I love you, see you tonight?" Gina nods, smiles and waves her off.

Iyla made it to the office with fifteen minutes to spare, she went into the office, it was already unlocked but she didn't see anyone else's cars in the lot, strange. She started making her way to the meeting hall, purse on her right shoulder, work bag on the other coffee in one hand, box of pastries that almost did not make it here, on her forearm. She makes it to the door of the meeting hall, lightly knees it open and then she fully opened it. She huffed a bit, taking a second before walking over to the table, glancing at all the chairs wondering where Victor might sit. She placed the pastries in the middle of the large kidney table, setting her bag on a chair that was directly opposite the point of the table, hoping she could get in his direct line of view. She opened up the pastry box, positioning it, then she sat down and began pulling out her work items, laptop note pad, etc. She sat back a little bit and crossed one leg over the other before she jumped in her seat hearing the door open. She tilted her head back a little bit then immediately lifted it and stood up. Victor and his sister came in.

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