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              It's been a full two weeks since Iyla had gotten the chance to be as close to Victor as she was at the meeting. They share professional- on his part- smiles, exchange 'Hello's in their passings. She can't even remember what he smelled like. That's a lie, she fixated on it for three days, and poor Gina had to endure all of it. Willingly, of course. She felt like she wasn't getting anything from him, she couldn't figure out if he had checked her out, if he was interested. Does he follow the rules? Is he against fraternizing? She will literally quit if it means she gets to have him. She was off work today, so she wasn't going to be seeing him. Sad, truly. She would just have to stalk his social media and hope that her telepathy will bring him to his senses and he will fall in love with her.

        "Ugh," she grumbled, tossing her phone to the side. She was bored, and it sucked that her only best friend, willingly and happily goes to work every day. She got off her couch, running her fingers along her kitten's- he's four- fur before taking herself to her bedroom, pulling out some biker shorts a sweater and her white crocs. She put the outfit on, slipping on white Nike long socks, slipping on her crocs and heading to the front door where her keys hung. She made sure she had her phone and wallet and then she was on her way, opening the door and walking out she starts texting Gina as she locks her house up, letting her know she was going to be stopping by the shop to see if she has a free moment or if they wanted her to help in the back. She got into her car, and she switched it on and then she was pulling out of her driveway and on the way to the shop. It was only about a five minute drive, she refused to walk in this heat, Florida is sickening and burning.

           Shortly, Iyla pulled into the little parking lot of Mae's Bakery and she had cheerfully got out of her car, locking it and heading towards the front entrance. When she got inside, she went over to the counter, expecting to see Gina but was met with Mae instead, pleased, still she trotted up.
           "Hi, momma." she grins, leaning over the counter to kiss her cheek, waving to the back for Rallo. "Where's Gina? She take lunch without me?" she grasped her fake pearls. Making Mae laugh a little.
           "Hi, baby. No, she's actually going over our pastries with the man over there, very handsome, wish my daughter liked men." she huffed, but smiled nonetheless. Iyla giggled, panning her attention towards the other end of the bakery, and indeed, a man towering the counter was holding Gina's attention. The longer Iyla looked, the more she fixated on the man's shoulders, toned arms, and fresh cut. His stature looked familiar. Gina finally looked over to where Iyla was and she smirked, waving at her slightly, as to not take full attention from him, looking back up to him as he began to say what he wanted from the glass case. As he started talking and Iyla got closer, she stopped dead in her tracks, just staring at the man in front of her best friend, sizing him up and down. Up and down... one more time. She, as usual, felt her whole body get super hot and she froze up. Breath in her throat and she thought she was gonna throw up, he got a HAIRCUT. Who does he think he is? Getting his hair all cut off, looking all good and trimmed up. Ugh. She turned right around and went back to the other counter, because she could hear them finishing up. She stayed with Mae, unsure of how to position herself so she bent forward, putting her forearms on the counter and leaning on them.

             "Ah, Ms. Salas..." She heard his voice ring beside her, looking up to him she smiled.
       "Iyla, sir. You can call me Iyla." Victor raised his eyebrow at her, then nodded.
"And I said to call me Victor, so until you learn to listen, I will also be referring to you by your last name." he said assuredly, glancing to Gina, who had the sickest most shit-eating grin on her face. Iyla glared at her, then looked back up at Victor. "Right, sorry." she smiles, straightening her body, standing up to look at him properly, she glanced at him and the pastries, seeing he had ended up getting a lot of croissants.
             "Got enough croissants, there?" she questions, giggling right after. Victor smiled, looking down to hide it, so he looked at the box, nodding. "Honestly, probably not. I can eat all of this by time I get to the truck, if I really wanted to." he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.
              "Fifteen dollars and seventy-two cents." Gina chimed in, looking to Iyla then to Victor. He nods and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a twenty dollar bill, slipping it into her hand, waving towards the change.
          "I didn't know you drive a truck, I could have sworn you drove a Jetta." she questioned, knitting her brows together in confusion. Victor smirked. "You watching what I'm driving, Ms. Salas?" She opened her mouth then immediately closed it, flustered.
        "No sir, I just... Well when you're leaving I usually.. No." She frowned, making him laugh a little.
        "Relax, I'm messing with you. I was driving my sister's car, mine was in the shop, I had cracked my rim, and it took a while to order 4 new tires and rims that I wanted." he confirmed, nodding his head towards the door, for her to follow, and she did. Like it was the only thing she had ever trained in her life for. Gina snorted, Iyla shot her another death stare, turning back to walking towards the door. He held the box of croissants in one hand, opening the door with the other and stepping to the side, but still in the door way, allowing her to go out first. Her heart was for sure showing through her sweater, she could feel it beating on her rib cage.

         "It's over here, Dodge Durango SRT." He said proudly. "I've had her for about two years, and I take very good care of her."
          "Mm, I bet you do." She thought out loud, she wasn't paying attention, she just wanted him to talk about how good he treats his truck again. What a creep, she is. She quickly stumbled on her words. "I mean, you can tell, that's why.. I said that." she trails, nipping at the side of her lip. Victor was the one with a shit eating grin, this time, but he didn't say anything just nodded his head slowly, looking from her back to his vehicle.
           "Yeah, she's worth all the work I've done... Did you end up getting your new recruit trained and up to gear with our systems and new accounts?" He asks, she nodded. "Yes, sir." He smiled.
          "I'm glad.. You're a really good part of the team, Ms. Salas, I have seen an improvement in the billing department, they were good, but you came in and made the whole department hassle free, and efficient. Thank you." He praised, opening the driver door to the car, setting the croissants on the middle console.
         "Oh, thank you! I enjoy working there, the least I could do is be good at it." she giggled, flustered by his praise, she looked down at her fingers, clanking her acrylics together briefly, looking back at him.
           "That you are." he hums, he briefly sized her up, taking in her outfit, tilting his head with a small smile. He himself was dressed in a wife beater, dark sweats and white AF1'S. His fresh hair cut and groomed face kept distracting her, he looked so different from his normal Tarzan attire, his grown out beard, all gone. How did he manage to look even more amazing? "Well, Ms. Salas, I promised Olivia I would've been there by now, but, she'll be okay." he says, starting to excuse himself. She nods, stepping aside.
          "Yes sir, I hope you enjoy the croissants, and please, call me Iyla."
      "I'll call you by your name, when you call me by mine." he taunts, she smiled devilishly.
       "And if I don't, sir?"
"Well, then you'd just be a tease, then." he stated, a smirk on his lips when he heard her gasp and that was all he said. Slipping into his vehicle, nodding his head at her as a goodbye. She stepped away from the vehicle and allowed him to pull out and leave, and she could feel every hair on her body standing up.
        "A tease...?" she was so flustered and confused. It definitely gave her butterflies, though.. or was it something else that he did to her? Who knows. He's the tease.

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