One - I Hate Them... Right?

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"Ugh, already?" I groan, barely opening my eyes to turn off the alarm. After turning off my alarm I get up, change my clothes and look into the mirror. "Why do I have to look so ugly?" I ask myself as I zip my jeans on. After I put on my top I go downstairs and look at the time. "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late for class!" The time is 7:52am and school starts at 8:00am.

As soon as I ran to my bag to pack it, my phone started to ring, someone's calling me. I see there's no caller i.d. but I pick it up anyway. "GOOD MORNING, GIRLLYYYY!" a high pitched yell comes from my phone. "Who is this?.." I said while slowly moving my face from the phone since their voice was so loud. "GIRL, IT'S YOUR BESTIE!!" "Y- Yeji? What are you doing talking this loud this early in the morning?" I ask as I finish packing my bag and heading to the door. "I was calling to tell you that I'm at your door to pick you up since the bus is gonna be late for another 30 minutes" "Oh, really?! Okay, thank you. By the way, why did your name not come up when you called me?" I ask as I aggressively put my shoes on "Oh, I got a new phone and number cause I lost my phone in the lake I was swimming in during the weekend" "How does that even hap-?" "Don't ask, it's a long story" "Okay. Im just locking the door and I'll come to your car."

After a while we arrive to school one minute just before class was about to start. I sit in my chair and get ready for first period - science, it's not my favourite subject but it's okay because San isn't in my science class. Sans my bully - he always asks me to do his homework or projects that he has due, I swear if he asks me again, I'll slap him. After science I headed to math with my friend Yeji, but you know what that means, I'm gonna have to see San.

As me and Yeji are walking to math, someone bumps into me and I fall and drop all my stuff on the floor. "Ow! Watch where you're going!" I yell as I look up and see San standing there with his arms crossed around his chest. "Uh. S- sorry" I stutter, "Pfft, Pathetic" San grumbles, irritated "Excuse me?!" I ask a bit more confidently "I was gonna ask you something" San says completely ignoring my 'excuse me'. "No thanks", I reply picking up my stuff and getting up. "What do you mean, no thanks?" he asks questioningly. "I mean no thanks, to whatever you're gonna ask me" I snap back. "Ugh, can I copy off your Math homework?" He asks with annoyance in his tone. "Are you talking about the one that's due literally next period?"; "Yea" he responds condescendingly - "No, I'm tired of you asking to copy off my stuff!"; "Ugh, no wonder no one's gonna love you, you're so arrogant"; "What did you just call me?!" "You heard what I called you" he says in a cocky manner as a smirk grows on his face "I dare you to call me that again!" "YOU'RE SO ARRO-"I slap him across the face, and all the people in the hallway stare in shock "Pfft, is that all you can do? Pathet-" I slap him again "I'M TIRED OF YOU MAKING FUN OF ME! ALWAYS MAKING ME HATE MYSELF, WELL I'M DONE! I'M DONE WITH YOUR JOKES!" I yell as I walk away not looking back.

"Damn girl, did you really just slap him?" Yeji questions as she catches up to my fast walking. "Ugh, I'm sick of him! I don't even wanna see him during math!" "Well you kinda will till the end of the year" "Why can't it just be June 30th already! I want school to be done!" "It's okay girl, we got only 4 months left it's February!" "I know but I feel the days are going by so slow!" "I understand, it's alright" Yeji says as she comforts me. After walking up a flight of stairs we reach our math class, we enter and sit near the back.

The bell finally rings and class starts and San hasn't arrived yet. "Y/N?" "Yea?" "Did you hit San really hard?" Yeji asks "Why are you asking?" "Because he hasn't shown up to class yet" "I don't know and I don't care. He deserved those two slaps! He's been bullying me for the last couple of months." "Okay." Yeji responds as she takes out her math notebook.

My Bully - Choi SanWhere stories live. Discover now