Seven - I love you (Last chapter)

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Time skip to the end of class...

The bell finally rang and class finally ended , I get out of class and I go to my locker. I pack my bag and head out the school, as im walking to the bus stop i hear someone call my name. "Y/N!" The person yells. I turn around and it San, he comes running to me. "Wait up!" He says as he catches up to me. "What do you want?" I say as I stop walking. "It mattered" San says out of breath "What mattered?" I ask.

"I mean, it mattered. T- T- The kiss. When you kissed me during lunch it mattered." San stutters as he gets closer to me "W- What? I just kissed you to prove my point, it's not like it was an actual kiss." I say. "It was to me" San responds as he slowly walks closer to me and I step back but my back hits the wall. "Wait, so are you telling me... You liked the kiss?" I ask as I step closer to San "Y- Yes" San stutters "But... I thought you hated me?" I ask "N- No... I actually never did. I actually liked you... Since I've met you, b- but I just didn't want to tell you." San says. "W- Wha? Actually?" I ask in shock, not believing what he just said.

My heart starts to beat really fast, as I back away from Y/N giving her some space. "W- when you kissed me, I felt the electricity flow through my body. No one makes me feel how I feel when I'm with you, you light up the room when you smile. When I insulted you I didn't mean to, I was just really pissed about Ricky kissing you." I say "Wait, I know you said that people were talking about it at school, but I find that hard to believe. Is it okay if you tell me the truth?" Y/N says as she's the one who starts stepping closer to me.

I take a deep breath and i start explaining the truth. "I know this is gonna sound weird but, I overheard you and Ricky talking about how you guys are gonna star gaze at the park, i didn't believe that Ricky would keep you safe, s- so i followed you guys and spied on you. It really broke my heart when Ricky kissed you because he stole my kiss." I say "what do you mean he stole your kiss?" Y/N asks as she steps even closer to me. "I- I mean I wanted you to be the first person i kissed" I say.

"R- Really? I- I- I really wanted to kiss you too, but after you started acting like a dickhead I kinda lost that feeling" Y/N stutters "Wh- What?! Y- You liked me too?!" I exclaim. "Yes I did, I just didn't know how to tell you." Y/N says as she comes even closer to me, so close I can feel her warm breath on my face. "I have a question San..." Y/N says "What's your question?" I ask curious to see what she wants to ask me.

"C- Can I kiss you?" She asks "M- Me?.." I ask as I point at myself "Yes you, I'm look straight at you who else would I be talking to?" She jokily says. "Y- Yes Y- You can" I say as I slowly move my face closer to hers, she slowly lays her lips on mine, damn they are soft. I kiss her in a soft and non forceful way.

She pulls away from the kiss. "Damn, your a way better kisser then Ricky" Y/N says "T- Thank you?" I say confused on what just happened. "The kiss wasn't forced, it was gentle. Ricky's would just kiss me without my consent, and it would be such a bad kiss." Y/N says as she hugs me.

"I'm happy I told you that I liked you, I'm sorry for not believing you earlier about Ricky. And it's true that he did brainwash me into thinking he's telling the truth when in reality it was you that was telling the truth." Y/N says as her face is stuffed into my shoulder as I hear her sniffling.

Y/N then lifts her head and her eyes are red. "Y/N are you crying?" I ask as I hug her "because I feel so bad that I didn't believe you, and I feel so shitty that I believed that dick head" Y/N says as she hugs me and then breaks the hug to look at me "thank you, I truly mean it. Can you please forgive me?" She asks. "Yes, I forgive you. It's okay to feel this way, just don't live in your emotions." I say as I wipe her tears from her face as I lay a gentle kiss on her on the cheek "Y/N do you want to go on a date with me today? To stargaze? Trust me it will be a better experience than what you had with Ricky" I ask.

"yes! I would love that" Y/N exclaims as she hugs me tight. "Why don't we go right now, we can go to the park near by" she asks. "Sure that sounds like a great idea!" I exclaim as hold onto her hand and we walk to he park.

Time skip 5 hours later

We've been watching the stars for a really long time, the date with San was much better than the date I had with Ricky.

Ricky's date was not that fun, it was shorter and most of the kisses were without my consent. San took the time to ask me if I felt comfortable and always asked me before he did anything.

He was really polite then how I thought he was. I mean I only saw the bully version of San, never the sweet caring and kind version of him. After a while I am getting really tired.

"San do you want to come over to my place? You can sleep over if you want" I ask "Sure! That would be awesome!" San says as he gets up and offers me a hand to get up from the grass. I get up and we walk to my house as we hold hands.

We finally reach my house and go inside. "Y/N I have a question." San says "What's up?" I say as I sit on the couch. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" San asks as he also sits beside me on the couch "Y- Yes! I do!" I say as I hug him "can I kiss you?" I ask "Of course you can" San says as he kisses me on the lips, this time the kiss was passionate. "I love you" San says as he breaks the kiss. "I love you too San" I say.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this story

Thank you so much for the love and support for my first story!



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