Three - Stargazing

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Time skip to 7:35pm

I fell asleep on the grass and I wake up, I think I slept for 3o minutes, Hopefully no one saw me. "Oh my god I must of fallen asleep, Ugh they are all over each other" I roll my eyes referring to Y/N and Ricky being all over each other. "I better go back to the car, Seonghwa fell asleep in the car!" I say to myself as i open the car door. Seonghwa wakes up "What time is it? Were you literally watching them until now?" "Yea, I was watching them until now... and the time is um 7:35pm"

"damn, it's getting late. We should head home!" "Yea but can we just stay here for a bit longer? I need to see if they do something else" "what else are they gonna do? Just let them be" "No! I won't let them be, and I don't know what else they could do but I know they aren't just gonna be cuddling" "Ugh fine, 5 minutes! No longer" "deal!" I make the deal and shake Seonghwas hand

The stars start to appear in the sky and me and Ricky and siting on the grass looking at them "Wow, the stars are starting to appear!" "Yea they are" Ricky says as he comes closer to me and turns his head facing to me "Y/N" "yes?" I say as I turn my head "woah your really close" I say scooting away a bit "Oh sorry about that, um I was gonna ask you somthing" "yea what's up?" "Do you mind if I do something?" "And what would that be?" I ask confused on what he meant. "Close your eyes and you'll see" Ricky says in a flirting tone

"Okay.... I'll close my eyes" I close my eyes and wait for what Ricky to do what he said he was gonna do "Ricky what are you gonna do-" I get cut off by something on my lips. This was definitely not a piece of donut we had left but somthing else. I open my eyes and see that it's Ricky's lips, On mine! "WHAT THE HELL!" I yell as I push Ricky away "RICKY! WHAT THE FUCK!" "W- what?" "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I exclaim "That was a kiss... Is there a problem?" "UM! YEA! THERE IS!" "And what's the problem?" "I THOUGHT WE WHERE JUST HANGING OUT LIKE FRINDS?!"

"Oh well um...I mean we don't have to hang out as friends, we can hang out as more then friends." Ricky says as he starts moving closer slowly while running his hand up my arm, giving me goosebumps. "Um... I've only known you for a day!" "So? You can learn a lot about a person in one day" "Um, I just don't think that we should be moving this quickly" "Y/N I have a question" "Okay? What's the question?" I respond "Did you like it?" "Like what?" I ask "The kiss" "Um..." "is that all you say? Just answer my question with a simple yes for no" "maybe..." "that's not answering my question. Did you like the kiss" "M- Mhm.." I say nodding my head "Really?" Ricky says scooting closer to me again "Yes.." "want me to kiss you again?" "Um... Yea" "Really?!" Ricky says eager to kiss me again "Mhm"

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. DID I JUST WITNESS?!" I exclaim "A kiss?" Seonghwa responds "BUT THEY JUST MET! WHY ARE THEY KISSING EACH OTHER?! HE STOLE MY KISS!" "Huh?! What do you mean by that?" "Oh um, did I say that out loud?" I say in a lower tone of voice "Yes you did, and what did you mean by he stole your kiss?" "On um... it's nothing" "sureeee...." Seonghwa says squinting his eyes suspecting somthing.

Ricky grabs my cheek and caresses it and asks me "Do you actually want me to kiss you again?" "I said yes, don't make me change my mind" I say in a cocky manner as I get closer to Ricky's face. "Just kiss me already!" I exclaim eager to kiss him again "Alright alright!" Ricky says as he leans closer and kisses me on the lips. His lips are really soft, it felt like I was kissing a cloud.

"What. The. Fuck?! They are kissing!!! Again?!?!" I yell while shaking Seonghwa "calm down San, you don't like her, and she doesn't like you. Why do you care so much?!" Seonghwa yells back, I stop shaking him and say "Y- Your right! I should not be mad at her.... I should be mad at him!" "No! I'm saying you shouldn't be mad at any of them!" Seonghwa exclaims "Ugh! fine, let's just go to my house. Hopefully I can forget about this by tomorrow" I say as I take a deep breath and I start the the car.

"Yea that sound like a great idea! let's go home and get some rest. By the way, can I sleep over?" Seonghwa asks "Yea of course!" I respond as I leave the parking lot of the park.

After a couple seconds Ricky pulls away "I never knew you were so eager to kiss me" Ricky says "Yea... I actually did like that kiss before this one. I was just to scared to tell you." I say shyly. "Why would you be scared to tell me?" Ricky asks "I don't know..." I respond "it's okay, just tell me straight away if you like the kiss or not. I won't mind if you don't like the kiss, just tell me what needs improvement" Ricky says as he winks at me "Yea, you're right! I will next time, thanks" I thank Ricky and hug him.

Ricky POV
I really want to kiss her again, I don't want it just to be a peck I want it to be more than that. But I think I'm going to fast and i should slow down. When she hugged me she felt really warm, as if I hugged a cloud "no problem Y/N, why don't we stargaze now?" I ask as I scoot closer to her hoping I could maybe kiss her again "Of course!" Y/N says as she smiles at me and turns her head up to look at the stars

I turned around to look at the stars and they looked wonderful! After 30 minutes my eyes started to doze off cause I was really tired. "R- Ricky I think I might fall asleep soon, do you want to go?" I ask "go where? Do you want me to drop you off at your house?" Ricky asks "Yes, I would like for you to drop me off at my house." I say smiling "Okay, no problem! Do you need a hand?" Ricky says as he gets up offering for me to grab onto his hand to get up. "Yes please" I say as I grab onto his and and he helps me up "Let's go to my motorcycle now" Ricky says as he walks me to his motorcycle

17 minutes later we arrive at my house

"Thank you so much for the ride home Ricky!" I say as I hop off his motorcycle and hug him "oh no problem, I'm always available for rides anytime!" Ricky says tightening the hug then letting go "I gotta get going! I'm really tired, I don't wanna wake up tired for school tomorrow! Bye" I say waving and turning around to go to my house "Okay! Bye Y/N" Ricky says waving as he then leaves.

After a while, I arrived home. There was a lot of trafic so we arrived pretty late. We pull up into the driveway of my house and get out the car. "San, do you have any popcorn? Maybe we can watch a movie?" Seonghwa asks "I do have popcorn! We could totally watch a movie!!" I say as I take my bag out of the car and lock the doors of my car. Me and Seonghwa walk into my house and hang out for a while, we eat popcorn, watch movies and play board games. After a couple of minutes we both fall asleep, Seonghwa managed to fall asleep on the floor and I fell asleep on the couch.

Time skip to next day.

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