Two - Donut Shop

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Time skip to the end of class (last period)

"Finally! Last period Is done!!" I say to myself  "Yeji, let's go!" "Okay give me a second!" After a couple seconds Yeji finishes the work she was doing and got up "okay let's go to the lockers now"  "alright!" We go to the lockers and pack our bags.

As im putting my last item in my bag I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn around and it's San. "San what are you doing?" "Oh hey, you where saying something during math class but you where in a hurry and left. So care to finish your sentence?" "Oh um.. I forgot, it was probably not even a big deal" "oh I can ask you the question again" "nah, I'm good" "Umm how about i'll still ask the the question" "no thanks" I say zipping up my bag. "The question I was asking is, what you were saying earlier. You were talking about how I got hurt then you said you didn't notice that earlier then you stoped talking. Care to tell me how you saw that I didn't have the scuff earlier?" San asks crossing his arms.

"Oh um.. I gotta go! Can't miss my bus" "No. You don't get to go until you answer my question!" San says eger for my responds "umm... Yea I was just saying I didn't see it earlier. Guess I was probably wrong. Ha.. Ha.." I say forcing a laugh. "How could you be so sure? Are you looking at my hands daily or something?" "What?! No! Who does that" "you" "no way! That's just weird, and I don't like you so why would I look at your hands?" "Wait, you don't like me?" San asks "Yea, I don't, is there a problem?" "No! There's no problem" San lies

She doesn't like me? I thought she did after I gave her, her pencil back? She seems to be talking to me more easily.... I say in my head. But I hate her, she says she doesn't like me so I don't like her

"Um I gotta get going! Bye now! Come on Yeji let's go!" "Okay Y/N" Yeji reply's as she leaves with me "oh uhh bye!" San says in a sad voice.

I walk with Yeji to her car "okay I gotta go!" I say as I turn around eager to meet up with Ricky "what do you mean? Aren't I giving you a ride home?" "Yeji, remember I'm gonna hang out with Ricky!" "Ohh yea! Totally forgot! Have fun on your date!" "It's not a date! It's a hang out!" "Sureee" "Yeji!" "Sorry just joking around. But seriously, have fun" "thank you!" "See you tomorrow Y/N!" "See youu!!" I say as I wave

I walk to the big felid where Ricky said to meet up "where is he?" I say to myself looking around "Y/N!" I hear someone calling my name so I turn around. It's Ricky waving from his motorcycle. "Hop on!" "What the?" I say under my breath with my mouth wide open, surprised that he drives a motorcycle. I walk over to him in shock "y- you ride a motorcycle?!" "Yea! Isn't it hot?" "Pardon?" "Oh I mean isn't the weather hot?" He says thinking he saved himself smoothly "No, not really. It's kinda chilly" "Oh okay! Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?" Ricky asks with a smirk on his face "Nope! Never!" "Well there is always a first! Now we don't wanna be late, the sun sets earlier today!" "Okay! Are you sure it's safe to be riding this without a helmet?..." "yeah, I've been riding this bad boy for a year all though China I'm pretty confident I can ride it here pretty easily too" Ricky says referring to his motorcycle as a bad boy. "Okay.." I say as I hop on.

"Hold onto me, don't want you falling" "im good" "what do you mean your good Y/N?! Do you want to get hurt?!" "No but, i can hold onto something else." "Okay, but you'll regret it" Ricky says while starting up the motorcycle and smirking at me. "I'll regret it?.. What do you mean?" "You'll find out" Ricky smirks and starts to drive the motorcycle. "Wow it's such a beautiful day today!" "I know right" Ricky agrees as he starts to speed up "Ricky slow down!" "I'm good" "what do you mean!? I said slow down!" I yell scared I'm gonna fall of the motorcycle. "I told you you'll regret not holding onto me" "Ugh! Please just slow down" I say as I wrap my arms around Ricky. Ricky smirks and starts to drive slower.

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