Four - Dance Class

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Time skip to the next day

I wake up and look at the time with my eyes squinted "What time is it- HOLY SHIT! IM LATE!" I yell as I jump out of bed and run down the stairs, I pack my bag in a hurry and leave the house. "Shit! The next bus doesn't come until 8:15am?!" School starts at 8:00am and the time is 7:52am the only option I have is my bike. I run to the garage and get my bike, I hop onto my bike and get going to school.

I arrive at school and class starts in 3 minutes. "I got just in time!" I say to myself as I go into the school and go to my first period class which is dance, that means I'm gonna have to see San. I don't want to talk with that fuck head anymore i'll just try and avoid him.

I walk into the room and see Yeji "Yeji!! Omg I woke up late! Thank god I arrived just in time!" I say "Ahh girly I was calling you but you must of been so tired!" "I guess I was, thank god I ended up waking up!" "Okay class today I'll be teaching you guys a new dance! It will be independent but you can still work with a friend, but you will be presenting it by yourself!" Mr Chan my dance teacher says. Later on he taught us the dance moves, step by step.

I was having some difficulties with some of the dance moves. I signed and drank some water "Having difficulties?" I nearly choked on my water and I started coughing "Don't scare my like that San. I was about to choke!" I snapped "not my problem sweetie" He smirked "what the hell do you want?!" I asked annoyed. "You can't dance" "Thanks, you don't have to remind me" I rolled my eyes and went back to position "Of course I have to remind you, your fat ass can't dance. Look at your belly, it's wobbling when you jump up and down. Look at your best friend, she's skinny and she can dance like a professional dancer, unlike you!" He snapped. All the students looked at us and where some of them where laughing their asses off.

I look down in embarrassment. How does he manage to make me feel down like that? I sighed and deeply left the room, I left not knowing where my legs were taking me. I felt like I just wanted to give up.

"Hahaha bro you're the best" one student shouted "That was so sick! You could have seen her face!" I look down in disappointment. I'm such an idiot... Then I felt a pair of hands grabbing my collar. It was the guy that kissed Y/N yesterday, oh how I wanted to punch him so hard. "What the fuck is your problem huh?! What did she do to YOU that you had to insult her like that? ANWSER ME!" I punched him in the face and glared at him. "Was I wrong?" I exclaimed. San, stop for fuck sake I say in my head. He stood up and was about to punch me but I was quick about it and defended myself.

"You bastard! because of you shes broken inside! Don't you realize what you're doing to her?! SHES FUCKING BROKEN BECAUSE OF YO-" "ENOUGH YOU TWO!" We looked at the person and widened our eyes "What do you two think your doing huh?!" Mr Chan says quite angry.
Ricky bowed at him and apologized. I did too. I have to find Y/N "It's fine, now let's get back to wo-" "Uhh Mr Chan?" Ricky interrupted "Yes Ricky?" "May I use the restroom?" Ricky asked Mr Chan sighed and nodded. Ricky bowed at him and left the class. Then I felt a sharp slap on my face. I winced in pain, I looked up at the person and it was Y/N's best friend. I widened my eyes

"You apologized huh?" Yeji says as I look at her "I said, you apologized to her huh?!" She repeated herself as I stood there silent. "San, what the fuck are you trying to do? Break her more?! WHATS YOUR PURPOSE?!" She says as she starts hiting my chest. I look down and said nothing. I knew she was right. "I'm sorry" with that I left. I got out the class and started searching for Y/N.

Where could she possibly be?

After some minutes I heard someone crying. It was coming from the girls bathroom. I was eager to know who it was. I sighed

Should I really go inside?

It's the girls bathroom, what is someone sees me? Then I'll be in trouble. I thought about it for a moment. Fuck it, I'm going inside. I slammed the door open to find Y/N crying in the corner. My eyes softened at the sight of her. Why am I so dumb? Why am I teasing her? She hasn't done anything to me. I took a deep breath and crouched in front on her. I tap her on the shoulder and she immediately stops crying. She looked up at me and widened her eyes.
"W- What are you doing here? Get out of here!" She stuttered. "Please don't push me away I came here to apologize" "San please go away..." she hid herself, I sighed. "Please look at me. I mean it. I really want to apologize" "N- No I know you came here to make fun of me more! Go ahead"

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