Six - I Care

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Time skip 30 minutes later...

After a while the nurse gets the shards of glass out my hand "looks good, they weren't in too deep so they were easy to take out. Also you need a shirt. Because we will not gonna let you go to class like that" the nurse says "Okay, I mean I was just gonna go check the lost and found for a shirt" I respond "The lost and found is for people to find the things they lost, not a place for you to find clothes" the nurse says as she goes to her desk and looks though a box. As shes doing that Y/N and Ricky get out the room and Y/Ns eyes widen.

God damn, why is San shirtless. His abs are so chiseled- wait what the hell am I even saying right now "let's go Y/N" Ricky says as he rolls his eyes and pulls on my arm "Okay baby" I say as we leave the nurses office and the bell rings and it's next period.

"The bell rang! I gotta get going, I don't want people seeing me leave the school "I found a shirt here you go" the nurse says as she hands me the shirt, I put the shirt on and I get up and leave "thank you!" I say as I walk to the exit of the school. I open the door and leave the school, I head straight to the park near by. I didn't want to see Ricky ever again, nor do I want to see Y/N.

After a while I find a bench at the park to sit at. I sit on the bench and decide to sit here for the rest of the day, then eventually when school ends I'll just go home.

After an hour the bell rang and it's now lunch time "Shit, people are gonna see me when they go out for recess. I better get going." I say to myself as I get up and find a place to sit outside of the schools premises.

As I'm walking looking down at my feet not seeing what's ahead of me I bump into someone, I look up and it's Y/N "W- What are you doing outside? its not even recess yet" I stutter "I was looking for Ricky, he said he was going to the bathroom when we went back to class. I check all over the school and i can't find him." Y/N says with disgust on her face as she looks at me "wait why am I talking to you? You almost killed my boyfriend earlier" Y/N says rolling her eyes as she turns around to leave but I grab onto her arm.

"Stop!" I exclaim "Let go of me!" Y/N yells "No! I need to tell you something" I say "No! I don't wanna hear your bullshit anymore!" Y/N yells as she tries to free her arm from me holding it "I wasn't trying to kill him" I explain "Clearly you were" Y/N says as she stops trying to free herself "I wasn't, I was.... Was... trying to protect you. Ricky is a player, he doesn't love you he loves Jennie" I say looking into Y/Ns eyes "Oh shut up! You're just trying to steal me from Ricky, not my fault no one wants to date you!" Y/N yells finally prying my hand from her arm "Fuck you!" Y/N says flipping me off and walking away.

Ricky POV
"Hopefully i lost her" I say to Jennie "Yea i hope so too, she's so annoying" Jennie agrees rolling her eyes. "Hopefully no one catches us in the janitors closet" I say stepping closer to Jennie "I'm pretty sure we are safe, we gotta wait till the halls empty when bell rings for recess" Jennie says moving her face closer to mine "as we wait.... We can always do something" Jennie says in a flirting way while raising her eyebrows "Ohhh, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask "Totally!" Jennie says as she grabs my face and kisses me.

"Where is he?!" I ask myself looking around the school "he definitely doesn't fit in the janitors closet" I say to myself as I squat down looking though the glass on the janitors closet's door "what the?- why are there two pairs feet in the janitors closet?" I ask myself as I walk closer to the door and knock on it "Hello? Is anyone in here?" I ask

Ricky POV
I break the kiss "Shit. Shhh" I whisper to Jennie as I cover her mouth "I think she found us" I whisper. "Crap! What do we do?" Jennie asks "we just gonna hope she doesn't open the door" I say.

Who the fuck could be in the janitors closet? Should I open the door? After a while of thinking I walk even closer to the door, I hold onto the door knob and open the door. As soon as I open the door I see Ricky and Jennie.

"WHAT THE FUC-" I get cut off by Ricky covering my mouth "Shhh, you saw nothing" Ricky whispers to me as Jennie leaves the janitors closet runs away. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I SAW NOTHING!? I SAW EVERYTHING!" I exclaim as I slap Ricky in the face and he falls to the ground.

"Ow! What the fuck was that?" Ricky exclaims as he holds his face "It was a slap dipshit" San says "What the-?" I turn around and San is behind me "Don't tell me you were here this whole time" I say "I was, I saw everything" San responds "I was trying to tell you he cheating on you, but he brainwashed you to think that I'm the problem when it was truly him all along" San explains. "How could you!'" I yell at Ricky as I kick him. "Ow! Oh come on it was just a kiss" Ricky says as he gets up from the ground. "Well since clearly we are kissing other people you wouldn't mind this" I say as I turn around and kiss San on the lips, San just stands there in shock.

"What the fuck Y/N!" Ricky yells. I break the kiss and San is left speechless. "It's okay the kiss didn't really matter I just needed you to prove my point" I say to San as I turn back to look at Ricky "what? You clearly had no problem kissing Jennie, then there's no problem with me kissing San." I say as I slap Ricky on the face again. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? H- He's your bully! You shouldn't be kissing him!" Ricky stutters.


The bell rang for recess. "I can't believe I was believing you! I'm breaking up with you!" I exclaim to Ricky as San is still standing beside me in shock not believing what happened "I'm sorr-" "oh shut up!" I cut Ricky off as I storm off outside for recess.

Time skip to the end of class...

Sorry this chapter was really short

I'll publish one more chapter then the story will be done!


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