Five - Art Class

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Y/N POV (knife and blood mentioned)

Me and Ricky walk though the hallway as we hold hands "Can't wait for art class Y/N" Ricky says as he holds onto my hand tighter. "I love art class" I say. We finally reach our art class and we go inside. As soon as we walk in I see San and Wooyoung sitting at a table "That fucker is in our art class?!" Ricky exclaims "Yea he's in my Dance, Art and math class, but he's in most of your classes" "Who's that?" Ricky asks pointing to one of the girls "Oh my god!" I exclaim "T- That's Jennie!" I say "Who's that?" Ricky asks "She used to stalk San from grade 7-10 then she got arrested last year, what is she doing out of jail?!" I explain. "Oh that's crazy! Maybe shes back to stalk San" Ricky laughs "Who knows, I hate her so much. She so annoying" I roll my eyes as me and Ricky look for a free table to sit at, but the only one that's free is the one Jennie is siting at.

"The only one that's available is the one Jennie is siting at" I scoff "Well since we kinda have to, we should just sit there. I don't thinks she's a big problem" Ricky says "Not a big problem?! She got arrested! What do you mean not a big problem?! She's a criminal!" I exclaim "Y/N go find your seat!" Mrs. Hwang my art teacher says. "Sorry" I say as I bow and sit at the table. The table is beside where San and Wooyoung are siting. I know for a fact it's so Jennie can watch San. I say in my head as I laugh to myself. "Good morning class, today we will be doing wood cutting and carving. The task is to make anything your heart desires. Have fun, the materials will be in the back of the classroom." Mrs. Hwang says. I get up and get a plank of wood and a wood cutting knife. And I get to carving. "Ricky why don't your go get your wood and knife?" I ask him, but he's completely lost looking at Jennie. "Ricky??" I ask as I wave my hand in the front of his face "Oh sorry, I'll go get a piece" Ricky then gets up and Jennie does to, weird that Jennie got up the same time Ricky did. Maybe it's just a coincidence. As I'm cutting my piece of wood I turn around and see Ricky and Jennie laughing their asses off together. "What's so funny that they are laughing that loud together?" I ask myself.

As I was looking I wasn't paying attention to what I was cutting. I ended up cutting my finger, it wasn't a little cut that could heal in a minute. It was a really deep cut blood started coming out, and I hate blood. As soon as I saw the blood my eyes started to fog up. I felt like I was gonna faint. I couldn't hold on anymore I just fainted

I saw Y/N slowly falling off her chair my reflexes were so fast I got up and ran and caught her just in time, she fell right into my arms. She was unconscious. "Y/N?" I exclaim "Y/N?! Wake up!" I say as I shake her but she won't wake up. "She must of fainted because of her bleeding finger!" I say to myself. Ricky comes running "THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH Y/N?! WHY ARE YOU HOLDING HER?!" Ricky yells at me "she fucking fainted but your slow bitch ass didn't see that she that she did!" I snapped. Jennie comes running too "Oh my god! Is she dead?" Jennie asks "No she's not dead!" People start to crowed around me and Y/N "everyone move away! Y/N please! Wake up!" I exclaim as Ricky just stands there not even trying to help "S- Sa- San?" Y/N asks as she slowly opens her eyes "OMG Y/N YOU WOKE UP!" I say. "OMG YOU FINALLY WOKE UP!" Ricky says "I grabbed you just in time but san stole you out of my hands!" Ricky lies smirking "WHAT?! NO THATS A LIE! I GRABED YOU! RICKY WAS IN THE BACK LAUGHING WITH JENNIE!" I exclaim "W- Why did you take me form Ricky's arms?" Y/N asks "he lied I grabbed you, he didn't notice you fainted until I was calling your name! Believe me!" I exclaim

It was hard to believe who was right, Im thinking that San may be lying because he dosent care, only Ricky does. Wooyoung comes over "i saw everything!" Wooyoung says, San still has me in his arms as he looks up at Wooyoung "Thank god you came Wooyoung!" San exclaims "Y/N Ricky is lying! San caught you just in time, Don't believe Ricky" Wooyoung exclaims "W- What?" I ask as i can barely speak "I have no idea what he's saying babe! Wooyoung and San are lying" Ricky says "B- Babe?" San asks "Why are you calling her babe?!" San exclaims "Because she's mines and not yours! Not my fault you're getting so offended by me calling her that!" Ricky exclaims as crouches in front of me "Now let her go and giver her to me!" Ricky says as he starts pulling on Sans arm. "NO! I'm not letting her go until Mrs Hwang comes! Mrs Hwang!" San exclaims. Mrs Hwang comes running "Oh my! San go to the office with Y/N, i saw that you caught her earlier and i did not know that she fainted!" Mrs Hwang exclaims "W- What? San caught me? N- No Ricky caught me..." I say. "No, San caught you" Mrs Hwang says "That's what i was saying!" Wooyoung exclaims "What! No! San stole her from me!" Ricky yells. "R- Ricky, are you lying?" I ask "N- No! I'm not lying!" Ricky stutters.

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