Chapter 1 ( The Old Garage )

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Y/N pov :

I was sitting in my room playing games after completing assignments. I was though playing Mr meat game and enjoying myself doing it, I was not much in novels or movies but I sometimes prefer to watch cartoon when I am not in good mood. I suddenly got call from B/F/N as I pick it up

Y/N : Hello

B/F/N : Hello Y/N, What's up?...I want you to meet me at Fuji Rock Garage

Y/N : Alright, but right now?

B/F/N : No when earth will be destroyed then only

Y/N : Shut up B/F/N and tell me when I have to come

B/F/N : At 2:45pm

Y/N : Alright....I will reach there at correct 2:45pm.

Later, I wearing blue hoodie and white pants along with white shoes for going in garage. I get in my car to get to old garage, After few minutes of driving I finally reach there where B/F/N was already waiting for me. I get out of car and wave at her. As we both enter in garage together....I was very big but also very old. There is semi trucks to trucks parked over there in row that seems to quite rusty "Mr. Fuji" B/F/N calls out then I turn towards that direction and looks at old man...he is very aged old man. B/F/N walks towards counter "Mr. Fuji....Can we take one of your trucks?" She asked "Yes....of course you can...they are just way too old and rusty now" he said as I look at trucks "Thank you...Mr Fuji" I said with a soft smile. I walk around trucks and choose a rusty truck from all of them while
B/F/N couldn't decide up any of them so we decide that truck will stay in my house only. Later night by 10:32pm I returned home in my new truck...maybe it was rusty and old yet it seems so strong. I parked it outside my house and head inside, I see B/N as he was watching TV "B/N....did you eat something?..." I asked "Yes...I ate bits of chips and cookies and now my stomach is having a real pain" he replied "You should have eat fruits or salad instead, I have told you several time B/N...what's wrong with you?" I said quite angry "Yes!...Its all my fault look at time Y/N, you are the one who is late and I don't know how to cook the food. Yes I should eat fruits or salad that doesn't mean I didn't ate them. You were not in home since 2:45pm and now its 10:32pm Y/N....for god sake stop all this nonsense and cook food already. If father and mother would be here they will just scold you but since they aren't here you are so free and I am chained in your rules" He reply in harsh voice "B/N...I didn't mean that...I just want you to be...happy and well..." I said with sorrowful sigh "Y/N...its not like that you are a bad person...or anything else. But just to complete place of parents you are being strict on sometimes feel suffocated to me. I also have friends and want to go out if I did this what you done maybe just slap me....or maybe worse" he stood up and stormed towards his room....I sigh knowing B/N have short temper and in this case fault was equally mine.....I walk apologize for my mistake....hoping that B/N will try to understand me and my intentions but also I decide not to disturb him further so I will try to talk to morning only and also I have to do paint job on that truck.