Chapter 3 ( The Investigation )

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Y/N pov :

I walk upstairs in B/N's room trying confront him about previous night argument "B/N..." I said in whispered voice as he come in room from balcony "Y/N what are you doing here?" He asked "Look....I just want to clear that night's matter and just sort out things...I know I shouldn't have to be irresponsible about anything regarding us" I said "No...I am sorry, I just overreacted..." He said rubbing back of his neck "No...I mean....maybe we both are wrong, I just have been irresponsible and you just throw up your tantrum" I said "But are my elder sister, I shouldn't just spoke rude to you. I know you are also not very well...I mean suddenly responsibility of whole house on your shoulders, exams, classes, everything on time and then me too....I should have just understand that you are trying to make things correct...and trying to fill that hollow place of our parents in our life. You were atleast trying to sort of things in our life and I am not even trying to understand you...." With that he hugs me, which I gladly return back. Our sweet bro sis moment disturb my sirens of police cars "B/N you stay here...I will go and check" I get downstairs and peek outside from keyhole, I hear garage door opening slowly as optimus looks in living room from it and trying enter in living room so I reach him "Why are you coming in living room?...I told you not to come outside garage not until I say" I asked as he looks at me with stern expression as always "I apologize Y/N...but I sense military here possibly to find me out, I just need to keep you and your brother safe and secure from harm. I need to fight with duty as leader of Autobots and a prime calls me" he said " are a leader and prime but....If military is outside then possible that... decepticon also will be and noticing that it is necessary for us to stay calm in such dire circumstances" I said holding his big servo (hand). He looks at me for you seconds then nodded "You indeed a patience person" he said get back in garage and transform in truck form, I sigh in relief and then suddenly then a loud slam on door seems to hear. I hold phone in my hand to make any emergency call to any friend or people I know. I open door and look out, there was a military officer standing infront me "Yes, Officer. How can I help you?" I asked "Hello young lady, Myself Cornell Michael Dupleix. We are here in search of a deadly machine or you can say a robot. That robots specifically used for wars and battles and now they are out of control and we need to control them...I hope you understand gravity of situation and let us take a look of your house" he said "You can Cornell, but their is some formality for check a citizen house" I said "Don't worry, young lady. We have a both search and arrest warrants with us" he said as officers get in my house forcefully. They were throwing things here and there and looking for any clue "Could you all please check with patience and manners?...You all are literally throwing things in my house" I said trying cool down their heated anger and doubts "If you don't shut yourself up. Then we will be force to charge a warrant of interfering in military activities" One of officers said "This is my house, if you want to check please check with manners and in correct way" I yelled "Understand our point of view too, Whole country is in sake and its important for us to find those robots specifically a large red blue one....that one is extremely dangerous" Cornell Michael said....I have no choice then to stand quietly near TV. I was just hoping that they won't go near garage or check it but things aren't in our favour...Michael reach to open it before I could say anything he opened it "Young lady...what is this?..." He asked, I look at him then step towards garage door.....optimus has taken that old rusty truck form only giving me a great sense of relief "Young lady, Where did you find this truck from?" He asked "That's my personal life matters Cornell. You have  no right to interfere in it" I said as he nodded and give a nodded to soldiers. They all walk out and sit in their cars driving away. I sigh in great sense of relief and calm myself, then I turn back to look at Optimus....he turn back into his robot form "I don't think they are going to understand that so easily" he said, I look noise from upstairs turning back to see B/N coming downstairs but when he see optimus....he screamed and rush towards phone. I hold his arm stopping him "Stop it B/N" I yelled "Why would I?!....We have nearly 28feet tall robot in our house" he reply "He isn't bad guy...he is a nice one. You don't had to be afraid" I said while Optimus nodded approvingly "B/N...Military is behind him...they want to Optimus and we need to help me to get back to his Autobots" I said "Now you Autobots are?" He asked and look at him "Y/N is right, B/N. You both are safe and secure with me just as a favour I need your help.... Both yours and Y/N, I am Optimus Prime Leader of Autobots" He said to B/N "Tomorrow, three of us will try to escape from military. I promise you Optimus, You will get back to Autobots and reunite" I said as he nodder and get back in garage "Easy....your enormous size will make it crack" I mumble looking at door.....I hope tomorrow we will able to get out of military clutches....