Chapter 11 ( Hint of Insanity )

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Optimus pov :

I walk in hallway of Autobot base thinking about decepticons as well as about Y/N...Sometimes I want nothing more than to finish the terror and destruction spread on both earth and Cybertron and sometimes to rip the spark out of each decepticon then think about one and only my dearest Y/N. It seems so good to think of but I couldn't neglect the duty of mine as a prime and a leader too plus Y/N is with us just to save the humans and earth then reestablish peace and harmony....wait....Y/N is with us only that time of period until Autobots and I don't finish this war and finish the terror and destruction of what if....Y/N left Autobots after all this...she can't left us...she can't left me after all she is my companion both in friendly and romantic way but the problem is I am her companion only in friendly way....and may or may not friends are one day forgotten or just stays in our memories.....Then...What if Y/N...falls in love with me, probably then she will never ever leave me alone with my duties and these wars. But it's not that easy, I have so many obstacles in my way that I couldn't even count and I don't even know if I get more in the future. This is a lot of trouble for me....I was just thinking all these things when I heard Y/N's voice from main hall, I walk towards the hall as my long strides take me faster than anyone. I look at there....there was Y/N....B/N, Edwin and
B/F/N. I gaze over B/F/N....she seems distanced from Y/N and my plan seems to work so well...and I knew no one will ever suspect me ever....ever *Eyes turns light pink*

~ Returning to chapter 8,9 and 10 ~

I hide in hallway after hearing the nonsense yet backstabbing plan of this Faber and B/F/N. I see B/F/N going out of room while Faber goes in the end of hallway then turning right towards stairs, I knew I can't go upstairs with my form and it could led to risk of breaking of the stairs also drawing much attention to me. I got in backyard and open my jet and flew up then I look down at Faber on terrace and just below the glass ceiling from which I can see party going on...I don't have much time so I barely land on terrace surface behind Faber then opening electric claws just on edge of my servos like nails of humans. I glare at Faber making my optics intensity bore into his back....then finally he turns back and step back in quite surprised "Aren't you....optimus prime?" He said "Of course, Faber...I am one and only Optimus prime" I reply "You here...I thought you are at party and enjoying yourself" he said "No...I can't be there when you are planning to harm my dearest person" I reply making Faber nervous under my gaze " mean?" He asked. I step closer to him narrowing my optics at him "Don't try to fool me, I am being living though million ages in this universe. You are trying to get yourself a chance when you can't, I know everything you and your darling girlfriend planned. Your time is up already" I said and pick him in my hand, my electric claw glows dimly and pass strongest of currents in his body but current of my claws was build to shut shut the nervous system and cool down the blood flow. With that I threw him down on glass roof of party hall. I got in party hall on time before anyone could suspect on me....In that incident. Thankfully no one suspects on me or my absence, I get away with bumblebee with excuse of decepticon presence nearby. I know that someone will not today but tomorrow or one day will suspect each and every person and if cctv cameras have my footage I will be suspect and isolated from humans....and Y/N. I get in woods and open the mass hacking function of my upgraded programming and first of all replace the programming of cctv after that I got back in base with bumblebee but I know what I have done is close to being caught so I have to be more than careful...

At 5:23 am

I head in following section of police department in postmortem room where Faber's body is kept. I look around the room then open my hacking tab to find out who is investigating this body. I found out about that human and head towards his house, he was going out for morning walk....I get in his house and made his family captive and wait for his return. I look over clock it's now 5:49am as he returns and look at me in horror and shock "Hi Doc you will do as I say" ......with that the information of Faber is completely changed. Now B/F/N is still left and she is closets to Y/N so I couldn't hurt her physically but mentally more than anyone will except so I took out personal to casual photos of her use them against her in way that she will think it's a hacker or a blackmailer....I ordered her to stop Y/N from searching for killer of faber that's only way my plan could work the strongest

~Back to Chapter 11~

Y/N pov :

I was casually talking with others when optimus approach us "Hello my fellow human allies....I want to inform you about the serious danger of decepticons that is about spread its dangerous havoc on human race. I want you all to stay at the Autobot base only and make yourself comfort and secure" he said "Oh...that's quite a lot problem decepticons have caused" I said in concern filled voice "Yes Y/N...I want to assure that you, B/N, Edwin and B/F/N stay safe and rest of human race we will do our best to protect and end the reign of terror spread across Cybertron and earth" he said "Don't worry....we will help you all" B/N said "Exactly I will try my best to help you all as much as you all are doing for our race" I said with genuine gratitude and appreciation. Suddenly optimus hugs me.....that was quite weird since he was all time stern guy but even stern people have greatest hearts....just like optimus and other I simply hug back....