Chapter 7 ( Optimus Prime V/S Starscream )

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Y/N pov :

I was driving with B/N towards Shopping Mall to buy some needs. I got out of car as so B/N and we head towards Gate of mall when I bump on someone "Sorry.." I look up it was Edwin "Y/N you here?" He asked "Yes, Just want to by some house needs and personal needs" I said as he nodded "Same" he chuckled as we were about to enter I heard a scream from behind....its B/N. I quickly turn back and see B/N in a car without driver and he was being taken away... "B/N!!" I quickly rush into car as so Edwin "Y/N...what's that?" Edwin asked in shocked and surprised voice "B/N is taken by a decepticon" I reply as I pursue behind that car and B/N as fast as I could. Edwin trying to call B/F/N for help purpose but phone keep decline for some reason "Edwin, Keep trying maybe she will soon pick up the phone" I said while driving at fast speed to reach that decepticon and B/N as finally B/F/N picks the phone

Edwin : Hello B/F/N....Please help us!...B/N is taken by a decepticon and we can't handle that decepticon alone!"

B/F/N : What?!!!...How!?

Y/N : B/F/N Its no time for questions! Send any Autobot for our help...As soon as possible!"

B/F/N : Don't worry!..I will do something just keep chasing that decepticon car and keep up your live locations

Y/N and Edwin : Alright

Call ends

Edwin pov :

Y/N chases right behind that decepticon car. She was trying her best to get to that car and then she straight drive our car infront decepticon car and road. That car changes into decepticon as he growls loudly at us then fire towards us. We hide behind car but car blow off throwing us quite feet away, my arm was quite injured by the attack as so Y/N was injured also. We got up
"B/N!!...hold on...I will save you" Y/N said as she look around for something, My gaze falls on Coke and mentos. I pick it up and hand it to Y/N "Maybe...this can help" I said as Y/N eye lit up " will" Y/N put mentos in coke and shut it. We rush towards decepticon and B/N "Ready Edwin?" She asked "Yes" I reply with confidence. Decepticon aims at us again but before he could hit at us. Y/N opened coke bottle and like some missile coke explode from bottle hitting decepticon's optics as decepticon focus on clearly his vision. We manage to reach B/N and run away but suddenly many decepticon cars chase us. They were about to crush us before a large truck comes in between holding all pressure of those cars "Optimus....?" I hear Y/N saying that looking at truck "Means?" I asked "I mean B/F/N send Optimus for our help" she replied. All cars transformed into decepticons as so truck transformed into Optimus himself "Y/N! B/N and You! Get out of here fast!" He said as we three rush towards area of forests and fields, We can hear voice of blasts and missiles.

Optimus pov :

I slam one decepticon into ground crushing him under my feet. I break another decepticon arm then kick him off, I took out my sword and sway it in air then slash those decepticon "You all will die!" I growls as starscream comes from sky transforming into his pedal form. I glare at him "Starscream" I said with low and venomous voice "Oh Optimus, Again putting your life at sake for mere filthy mortals?" He said with confidence and provoking tone "Why you are here?" I step towards him with sword in my hand with a tight grip on it "Of course, To kill those pests...specially that dumb and foolish girl who dares to choose Autobots over decepticon even when you all are so pathetic and weak" he said with sarcastic tone. It boils my wrath over a limit making me slam him on road that makes bridge cracks beneath my rage "What happened prime?...Can't handle insult of your 'precious' friend?" Starscream provokes me "I will kill you" I snarls and slam starscream harshly on road as bridge start broking making drivers and others on bridge run away for sake of their life. Starscream kicks me off and took out his canons shooting at me with that my leader and warrior instincts took over naturally and I put shield between me and canon attacks. Then I lunged forward and punch starscream "You are pathetic, Optimus" he growls "Less than you are" I kick him on stomach and crush his one servo beneath my heavy steps "You are killing me for a human and her friends?!" Starscream groans in pain *Eyes turn red* "You seem to have a death wish Starscream, You are insulting what I began to believe as mine" I said raising my sword to rip him in two pieces then looking for minor second at forest "What you mean prime?" He asked in weakened voice "You really want to hear that?...So listen to me. You attack what is mine.. you harm what I believe to have as mine....You harm Y/N and...Oh sorry starscream but Y/N is MINE!" I grins widely then coming back to my stern expression "First I wasn't sure if I am just attracted or love her....but you cleared it...I have something for her more deeper....more satisfying than mortal love can ever be" With that I rip him two pieces...

Y/N pov :

I was in forest with Edwin and B/N. I was worried about Optimus and his safety I know he is powerful being but sometimes...they also needs some wishes and blessings. I hear footsteps from behind...I turn back to look and see optimus "Thank god you return...I began to worry a lot" I said with sigh of relief and hugs him as so B/N "I am glad I have friends like you, B/N and Autobots...and now it seems we have another friend here too.." He said referring to Edwin "Yes...he is Edwin. Brother of my Best friend B/F/N" I said with a smile. Later we three sit in Optimus alt mode that's his truck form and head back to our homes

Author San : Our Yandere is back...