Chapter 12 ( Blackmailing )

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B/F/N's pov :

I was sitting in my room and scrolling dating app on my phone, I have taken liking in so many rich and handsome boys. Suddenly, I received message from unknown number....I gulp in nervousness and read the message

Unknown number

Unknown -
Long time no see...I mean message
I was thinking to give you a gift

B/F/N -
What kind of gift you are
talking about?

Unknown -
How about uploading your all
lovely moments with Faber online?
Or, some of your intimate moments?

B/F/N -
No!...Please don't...I beg you
I will do anything you want just like
last time I did but please don't post that pics

Unknown -
Of course....I will not if you do my work

B/F/N -
What kind of work now?...You said to
make Y/N stop investigating Faber's death
Now you demand something else too?...

Unknown -
Shut your mouth, You are in no
position to question me. What I
say do it quietly otherwise
consequences will be severe

B/F/N -
Alright but what I have to do?

Unknown -
Bring Y/N at vacant auditorium,
Location, name and address will
be send to you soon...

B/F/N -
Why you are so interested in Y/N?..
I mean first time when you message me
then also you have said to me to stop Y/N,
Now you want me to bring Y/N to you?
That's impossible, Y/N may seems innocent
and dumb but she is sometimes not...

Unknown -
Did I ask you how Y/N is?
you are being very annoying
Should I post few pics of you
on social media....and believe me
those pics aren't very good
*Picture send*

B/F/N -
*Received* Oh my...please no I will
do anything....I promise you Y/N will be soon
there at location you will tell me

Unknown -
That's like a good girl, You
have two days...bring me Y/N
Or if you can't suffer the severe

B/F/N -
Okay....I will do it

I put my phone down and start crying silently, I don't know how and when that person got my pics but I have to somehow keep but person away from Y/N and also save myself....I must find a way out of this situation....