Chapter 8 ( Birthday and Death )

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Y/N pov :

I was planning birthday party for B/F/N with B/N and Edwin. I have discussed about all things in B/F/N birthday, we were also calling her boyfriend Faber also since its her girlfriend's birthday. As she comes downstairs, Three of us yelled together "Happy Birthday B/F/N" I give her small box "What's in it?" She asked "Something nice" I said as she opened was beautiful earrings I specially made for her. She was definitely happy and hugged me tightly as we organised party in B/F/N's family Penthouse which was really big enough to organise party "B/F/N...what you say about calling Autobots?" I asked "That would be great" she said as Edwin goes in call to give invitation to Autobots for party and rest of they knows if they want to comes or not. We have decide to decorate things according to our birthday girl's liking. I head towards penthouse to decorate it with the help of other friends and B/N, it have a big angel statue and chandelier in living room....I was super excited for today. I was on ladder doing lights of chandelier and tugging clothes filled with roses so that when B/F/N stand under chandelier flowers fall on her, After doing chandelier work I step down to get back on floor but I slipped and fall down..... But not fall on floor....I open my was bumblebee he caught me before I could fall down and get hurt, he put me down and ruffle my hairs "You okay?" He asked "Yes, I am fine" I reply with a smile "You should be more careful" bumblebee said, I heard heavy footsteps, I gaze up....its optimus
"Y/N, Bee is indeed right. You should be more careful so...others won't catch you in their arms" he said more like growled "Nevermind, I am glad Autobots are here" I said "No...not all of us are here but Bumblebee and I am only two who comes here. Since, Other have patrol in city and few have their duties. So, they told us to come here" Optimus said making me nodded "Well, Then everything going to start soon" I said and walk inside kitchen to check if everything is done or not...

Optimus pov :

You are right Y/N....everything going to be start soon. Something no one think also haven't imagine that but still it will happen...and took you away from all. I walk inside one of ground floor hallway....I heard some whisper yells....more like someone was arguing over something. I walk closer to that room and peek from slight open door, it was B/F/N and one boy...probably a friend or it could be boyfriend too. I decide to listen what they are saying "Faber, Are you crazy?!..what are you even saying!?" B/F/N asked "I am saying right B/F/N" Faber said....what are they even talking about?.. " know we can't do this" she said "This is only way together. You know that your parents are rich and I am...just average person" Faber said...I bet they are up to something big and wrong specially this...Faber. I listen with more focus "Try to understand Faber...I will do something" B/F/N said "No!....this is for our love. We have to steal all money from Y/N...she is have so much money too. If I got all that maybe your parents will be ready for our wedding" Faber fists clenched hard "But...that money is of her parents...if you stole it Y/N will be in great so B/N. They both haven't done anything or related to this"
B/F/N said "I will do that and you will not interfere" Faber said in frustration. I walk away with a low growl. This Faber....I have do to something otherwise he will harm...Y/N...and that's not going to happen under my watch. I stop and decided to hide somewhere so I could build up a perfect plan so I could kill two birds with one stone. After few minutes when I see
B/F/N and Faber getting in hallway, I get inside that room so anything that could be useful for me...and I couldn't believe my luck...there
B/F/N's phone that's perfect for what I have planned. I quickly use my sensors and other technical things to hack her phone, I have got lot of things that B/F/N would never want to be exposed... That's absolutely secondly that Faber....I shall handle him too.

B/N pov :

Everything is going fine, B/F/N is here to cut her birthday cake...but wait...Y/N called Faber also, so where is he?... Nevermind, I look at B/F/N and others but finally decide to ask Y/N "Hey Y/N where is Faber?....You called him right?" I asked "Yes I have called him and maybe he is in washroom. Not a big deal, relax" she said but suddenly loud clash happens...I look up as so others....its Faber body on angel statue from glass roof.... I hold Y/N's hand tightly "Someone call ambulance and police" Y/N yelled as B/F/N burst into tears. Y/N hold her for support "This is truly a terrible thing occurred" Bee said "Indeed...someone seems to have personal grudges with him" Optimus said....All guests were still there except bee and Optimus since they have to go because decepticon signal in nearby area. Police begin to ask questions from all of us but we all have no answer except one that we just saw his dead falling down from the glass roof on angel statue....Police also didn't find any suspect from us.