Chapter 9 ( Strange )

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Y/N pov :

I was standing balcony looking towards sky at moon "Y/N..." B/N spoke softly making me turn back towards him "B/ still awake its...nearly 2:30am of midnight" I said softly "I am just quite worried B/F/N and I know as so you are.." He said walking close to me then clinging on my sleeve "B/N I am indeed worried about B/F/N...but I am thinking about something" I said as he look up at me "What is it?" He questioned "If...Faber fall down why none of us heard his scream?...I mean if anyone would lose balance and fall down... Its obvious for them to scream and if Faber died by accident so we also should hear his scream..." I said rubbing my temple "Means?..." B/N asked looking up at me "B/N...think, there is no loud music in the room except wishes we were singing for B/F/N....So, If Faber die...we didn't heard its scream...then its possible that Faber is dead before falling down from glass roof to angel statue. But if anyone killed him...there is a lot questions that remain" I said with a sigh "But who would have such grudges against Faber?...There were all friends in the party and Autobots. I know Autobots not much but I know this much that Autobots are against harming humans at all. Then?" B/N asked "B/N that's the mystery of this sudden murder of Faber. In party no one goes out and no one comes in that's the main question of all case...If that's the matter then killer is one of us or probably I am just thinking to much....let's wait for reports" I said in low voice and walk inside with B/N "Should I go to penthouse?...Maybe we will get a clue that might help police" B/N said "No...Maybe the suspect comes on us. We have to wait for tomorrow" I said in hushed voice as B/N nodded and left. If I am right maybe Faber is dead before he fall...but I can't come on any conclusion until reports come from police....

|| Next Morning, At Police Station ||

I stand in postmortem room with B/N and Faber parents. Doctor coughs slightly and speaks "I am sorry for your loss" he said to Faber's parents while they were sobbing "Doctor, Can you elaborate reason of death?" I said "Well, Reason of Faber death seems accident yet strange. At time Faber fall down on glass roof to angel statue, He has no blood in him...his all blood was dried... like water in desert" doctor said making B/F/N and me look at each other in complete shock "What you mean?" B/F/N asked "Reason of this could be strong electric shock only, According to Faber reports, He wasn't drunk but still a strong electric shock pass though his body that make all his body dried. Then possibly his body fell down..." Doctor took deep breathe and continue "If Electric shock is the reason Faber must become black but in this case...nothing like that happened so maybe reason is different but death happened from electric shock only" doctor said "Please tell up if you get something more to know" I said and left with others. I get in car with B/F/N....I want to tell everything to B/F/N I think as possibilities but I stayed quite because I didn't want to upset her further more. I drop her to her house and head back to mine....there must be something we all are missing...something we are not looking at....but what is it...all things happening are just so....strange.