Chapter 4 ( The Chase )

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Y/N pov :

I got ready for going out with Optimus and B/N. I pack the bag with first aid, food, some fruits and two water along one water container. I charge phones and parking charger with it too, then I wear my watch and tie my hairs. I get in garage where Optimus was sitting looking at his canons "You ready?" I asked as he nodded "I am always...but Are you and B/N ready for going with me?" He asked "Yes...everything is ready and pack in bags. B/N is just in let him come first then we will go" I reply and pause then speaking up again "On which exact location we have to go?" I asked "From here to Nevada Highway road then next I will tell you...where to go" he said. After few minutes we head towards Nevada Highway road... But suddenly military tanks surround us and soldiers came out pointing guns at us, I froze as so B/N "Come out!" one of them yelled as we looked at each other and step out of truck. Cornell Michael comes towards us "Its time to accept the truth" he said pointing gun at us "Call that robot!!" He yelled as B/N hide behind me. I thought using my powers might be risk because I am not alone and its my responsibility to keep B/ and I will not back off from that duty. I was thinking only when suddenly black jet comes down from sky towards us changing into big robot... He looks dangerous....d...decepticon. Its a decepticon. He looks at me and B/N "Human, tell us where is optimus and other Autobots?!.." He yelled in anger and took out his sword charging it as us....but before it could hit me and B/N...a large metallic hand stopped it..I turned back it was Optimus "Y/N go away from here with B/N. I will handle everything" he reassured "Take care" I said and took B/N away, While Megatron and military charge at Optimus which he dodge...I run with B/N towards forest side where we are being followed by half group of military. I hide with B/N behind large stone, soldiers stood in air to find us while B/N and me hoping they won't able to find me

Optimus pov :

My sword clash with Megatron's sword, I kick him off and punch him hard making him fall of ground. I sway my sword aiming it towards Megatron "You are pathetic prime!..fighting with me for a pathetic human girl and her brother" he said as I roar and slam his head highway road. I stood up straight as military fire at me, I took out my canon and shoot at them watching them flew away from impact. I turn back at Megatron "Why you try to save those humans?...They have to die and why it matters then they can die now or today or tomorrow... We never know" he said as I roar "Shut up Megatron. You speak nothing but trash" I spatted angrily as I run towards him with sword in my hand. Megatron quickly transformed into his jet form and fly away "Y/N is my friend and you better not lay a finger on her and her brother" I speak with fierce determination and anger. I run towards forest while my long strides taking me fast when I reach in forest I ran my optics around forest then voice of gunfire echoes in my ears so I choose to run in that direction. I see military soldiers surrounding Y/N and B/N, one soldier prepare to shoot sensing the danger my warrior instincts activate at full volume making me took out my sword again and swaying towards them making soldiers dodge and run away to safe themselves "Y/N...are you okay?" I asked as she nodded. I place my hand on her shoulder "We should go now" I command. We made our way towards Autobot base.