I'm gonna marry her anyway.

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Based on S2 Ep11. I lowkey wished it was like that.


Before the intense, heart-stopping incident near Mako Island, life had been relatively calm and secretive for Rikki, Emma, Cleo, and Lewis, with the added complexity of Rikki and Emma's secret relationship.

Rikki, always prideful and fiercely independent, faced her biggest challenge yet: her family's financial struggles. Anxiously watching her dad grapple with mounting debts, she was determined to keep their troubles hidden from everyone, especially Emma. She believed she had to deal with it alone, fearing the burden it might place on her relationship with Emma.

Zane, Rikki's affluent and occasionally scheming ex-boyfriend, unwittingly presented a risky opportunity. He needed someone with unique capabilities to retrieve a rare gold sculpture rumored to be lost underwater near Mako Island. The sculpture was inside a box that had eluded treasure hunters for years. Seeing a chance to ease her family's financial woes, Rikki reluctantly agreed to help Zane, tempted by the promise of receiving half the treasure's value.

The day Rikki set out to find the box was fraught with tension. She had told Cleo and Emma she needed some time alone, concealing her true intentions. Equipped with her mermaid abilities, she dived deeper than ever before, guided by clues she pieced together from Zane's information. After hours of searching, her effort was rewarded with the glint of the gold sculpture's box wedged between rocks.

In her exhaustion and eagerness to seize the box, tragedy struck. The heavy box slipped from her grip, hitting her head with a sickening thud. Rikki's world went dark as she floated unconscious towards the surface.

Meanwhile, Emma and Cleo, sensing something amiss despite Rikki's earlier insistence on solitude, headed toward Mako Island. Their hearts raced as they discovered Rikki's motionless body. Panic and fear washed over them, with Emma's cries piercing the quiet of the island. Lewis, ever the supportive friend, rushed over with medical supplies, hoping it wasn't too late.


**Cleo**: Rikki! Rikki, can you hear me?

**Emma**: (crying) Oh my god, please, Rikki, wake up, please!

**Lewis**: (unpacking medical supplies) Okay, let's try to stop the bleeding. Keep her head elevated, and Cleo, help me put pressure here.

**Cleo**: I've got you, Rikki. Just hang on.

Rikki remains unconscious; Emma is weeping uncontrollably afraid she might lose her...

**Emma**: Rikki, I can't - I can't lose you. You have to come back to me. You're my everything... I'll marry you, I swear! Just please open your eyes!

Suddenly, Rikki coughs and begins to move.

**Lewis:** (checking Rikki over) Rikki, can you hear me? You took quite a knock on the head.

**Rikki:** (groggy) Yeah, Lewis, I hear ya. Feels like a shark used my head for a chew toy.

**Rikki**: Em? What happened?

**Emma**: (elated) Rikki! Oh, thank goodness! I love you, I love you so much!

Emma hugged Rikki tightly, delivering kisses all over her face as if it was the last time.

**Cleo**: (relieved) You gave us such a scare!

**Lewis**: (smiling) Guess we better start planning a wedding, huh?

**Rikki**: (trying to comprehend) Wedding?

**Emma**: (teasing through tears) Yeah, you've got to hold me to my word, right? You scared me into proposing.

**Rikki**: (smirking weakly) I guess I did.

**Emma:** (helping Rikki to get up) Come on, let's take you home. My parents aren't there.

---Next morning---

Rikki groggily opened her eyes to the soft morning light filtering through the window, only to find Emma sitting on the bed beside her, looking at her with a mix of worry and admiration. With a gentle smile, Emma leaned forward, pressing her lips to Rikki's forehead in a tender kiss.

"How are you feeling? I've called a doctor" Emma asked softly.

Rikki tried to shrug nonchalantly, despite the pain. "I'm fine, Em. Seriously, I don't need a doctor." Her voice was hoarse, but defiant.

Despite her protest, Rikki attempted to get up, only to have darkness creep into the edges of her vision. Her body wobbled, and she would have fallen if Emma hadn't caught her in time.

"Will you stop being so stubborn?" Emma scolded, her concern evident in her tone. "You're not moving an inch, Rikki. Behave, or I swear I'll tie you to this bed and feed you like a baby."

Rikki couldn't help a mischievous grin. "That's kinda hot," she joked weakly.

Emma rolled her eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her best efforts to stay serious.

Just then, the doctor arrived, sparing Emma from responding to Rikki's teasing. The doctor examined Rikki carefully, checking her vitals and the extent of her injury. After a thorough check-up, the doctor turned to them.

"It's not that serious," she confirmed, "but she does need good care, some medication to manage the pain, and plenty of rest."

"Thank you," Emma said, walking a doctor out and thanking her again for coming on such short notice.

Once the door closed behind the doctor, Emma turned back to Rikki with a look of pure determination. "Now, you're all mine, Rikki, and I'm going to take care of you. So no arguments, or I'll actually follow through with that threat."

Rikki, looking up at Emma's pretty face, considered arguing just to see if Emma would make good on her playful threat. But she was too tired, and truth be told, the idea of being fussed over by Emma wasn't the worst thing in the world.

"Alright, you win," Rikki acquiesced with a resigned sigh. "But only because you make a cute nurse."

Emma couldn't hide the affection in her eyes as she sat down next to Rikki, ready to care for her girlfriend. "Get some rest, Rikki. I've got you."

And as Rikki settled back under the covers, Emma's presence was comforting, and Rikki knew she was in good hands. The playful banter and loving care amongst them underscored the depth of their love-it was not just about shared secrets, but also about being there for each other in times of need.

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