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"Saeee~ did you also get an email from Teieri Anri?"

"Yes. Let's read it together."

"How interesting~ isn't that Blue Lock's facility manager, the team you lost against~"

"Shut up. I didn't lose, it was that stupid Japan U20 team that lost."

"In denial still I see~"

"Just read the damn email."


Saito Akio,

Real Madrid has been selected to help train Blue Lock. Neo Egoist League is the final selection of the Blue Lock Project in preparation for the U20 World Cup.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to help train and prepare our players.
If you wish to participate, please confirm this email form and come to Blue Lock on the designed date and time.

- Teieri Anri

"Oh how interesting indeed. Well are you gonna go?"


"But I'm goinggg. Please go with meee~"


"Yayyyyy! Let's go ask our team if they're going."

"Awwww sucks it's only us seven going, huh?"

"I guess~ but hey who cares? We're basically the best in the world anyways. We don't need them~"

"Just be there."

"Yes Captain."

"Sae~ Don't tell Luna but I'm gonna do something before we go to Blue Lock, okay?"

"Depends what it is."

"Oh ya know the basic~ sneak into Blue Lock the day before were meant to arrive ♡"

"Good luck."

written : Sunday 28th April 2024

tbh it's not confirmed if Luna is the captain I think but I feel like he would so yeh anyways enjoy

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