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Waking up on the couch left Sae confused, 'How did i get here?' and suddenly it clicked. He was meant to talk to Akio yesterday.

'Did he not come back yesterday?' The boy thought feeling down after trying to find the white haired male. Shaking his head he pushed those thoughts aside and got ready.

Sae splashed cold water on his face which instantly woke him up completely, picked up his toothbrush and brushed his teeth and after did his other businesses.

Walking out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, Sae walked over towards his closet and grabbed the Blue Lock uniform, slipping it on.

In front of the mirrors, Sae ran his fingers through his hair and styling his reddish-brown hair, making sure to look good for Akio.

Taking a final glance at the mirrors and feeling confident with how he looked, Sae sprayed on his cologne before walking towards the canteen, ready to speak with Akio.

Sae's eyes brightened up after spotting the whitenette talking with Bastard München until he stood up to get something.

Finding the perfect opportunity to talk to him, Sae went and approached Akio.

"Morning, Akio. Why didn't you come back yesterday?" He said giving him a small smile.

To his shock Akio straight up ignored him and walked pasted him heading back to the table he came from. Sighing in defeat Sae just went to the machines to get his breakfast and sat down with his team.

Real Madrid all exchanged concerned glances towards each other, as they couldn't help but notice the silence between Akio and Sae after witnessing the scene before.

"Hey Sae." Kenji nudged him gently, "What's going on with you and Akio? Usually he would be clinging onto you like a koala and  you'd just sit there with a smile on your face like a happy tree."

Sae sighed (giggling cause ya know⬅️), his eyes filled with sadness, however to most people he'd just have his normal, grumpy, 'don't give a fuck' face on, but to the people he was close to, they could make out the hint of sorrow in them and if you had good vision. You could see a water droplet forming at the corners of his eyes.

"It's complicated." He mumbled, his voice barely heard over the noise in the canteen. "We had an argument and now he won't talk to me and acts cold towards me."

"Yikes. Sae what did you do?" Himari asked knowing damn well he was going to ignore him. "How much does it hurt?" She rephrased her sentence expecting to get ignored again.

"..a lot, it hurts so much that i just want to get rid of this feeling. Is this how being rejected feels like?"

"Technically, Akio hasn't rejected you. He just needs space from the argument you guys had and if i were you, i'd give him the time to think about it." Luna used his big brain.

"The thing is though, it was about mine and Rin's relationship." and continued explaining to them what happened the night of their argument. "Oh, damn. That's rough." Nearly everyone was speechless from what they heard.

"He really thought you were using him? Actually i see it." Sae looked at Akira in horror and shock as he started to regret the way he always treated Akio.

Mr Sae Itoshi doesn't know it yet but he was whipped for Akio Saito the very first time they've met.

What a tsundere.

"I'm only joking but i'm surprised you haven't figured out what to do yet. What happened to the Sae Itoshi we all know? The one who happens to always solves his problems no matter what situations he's in and we can't forget about the sharp tongue he has, did he die the moment Akio shouted at him? Gotta expect this whiles your in love."

"All he's saying is you got to figure out what to do yourself. Sae follow whatever your heart is telling you to do! I know you can figure it out, i believe in you!" Ayame cheered him on trying to boost his mood, "Thank you, Ayame."


"..wahhhh he just smiled and thanked me!! Sae you're really beautiful when you smile, you should do it more often!"

"Stop it Ayame. That smile is reserved for Akio only." Himari smacked her on the head. "Owwww, Meanie!"


"The results are in. Make your way to the announcement room to hear where you were placed in the ranks."


"I'm a little nervous."

"I'm so excited!"

"I hope i get someone good."

"They're all good, dipshit."

"Ugh, you know what i mean."

"Hello there, diamonds in the rough. You will be playing with these Top Sevens and also train with them, so i give you luck. Now to announce the Ranks."

"Starting with Rank A, step up as i call your names and head towards the door with your masters, Leonardo Luna and Julian Loki."

"Gagamaru Gin."

"Igarashi Gurimu."

"Raichi Jingo."

"Oliver Aiku."

"Sendo Shuto."

"and Tokimitsu Aoshi."

"Now for Rank B, head towards the provided rooms where your master will be waiting for you, Sae Itoshi and Akio Saito."

"Isagi Yoichi."

"Shidou Ryusei."

"Rin Itoshi."

"Bachira Meguru."

"Kurona Ranze."

"Nanase Nijiro."

"and Kunigami Rensuke."

Shidou shot up in joy at the mention of his name and ran in through the door leaving his other teammates behind. "DADDY~" Was heard through the door. "BABYGIRL!"

"Eh What the fuck."

"They have a weird relationship."

"Hurry up Rank B i don't got all day. Now for Rank C head towards your masters, Ayame Sato and Himari Sato."

"Chigiri Hyoma."

"Aryu Jyubei."

"Yukimiya Kenyu."

"Karasu Tabito."

"Otoya Eita."

"Hiori Yo."

Otoya glanced at Karasu and swung his arms around his shoulders, "Best friend, do you hear that? We're with the ladies."

"I'm not a damn womaniser like you. Shidou that lucky bastard got to be with Akio." Karasu grinned, "I'll admit i am sad but we've got each other, Bro power."

"We're got the glam twins! Let's ask for their skincare routine, i'll definitely need it. Come on Chigiri."

"Now for the last rank, make your way towards the room your masters are waiting for you, Akira Hayashi and Kenji Hayashi."

"Nagi Seishiro."

"Reo Mikage."

"Zantetsu Tsurugi."

"Niko Ikki."

"Jin Kiyora."

"Barou Shoei."


"We've also got the king."

"Let go of me, dammit."

"Stop arguing and go to your rooms."

finished : Sunday 12th May 2024

anywayssss i hope ya enjoy this and please vote

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