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"Yo, it's the hot stuff." Otoya waved at Akio with Karasu trailing behind him. "and it's the womaniser and Karasu, hey babe~"

"Hello Akio." The crow smirked at the silently fuming Otoya.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Akio asked, "Well we just thought about doing some training but then we bumped into you. Wanna train with us?"

"Sure thing! i was about to do some training is well actually but having you two here is even better!"

"What are you on? Shouldn't we be saying that shit to you."

Otoya nodded his head as he showed his agreement towards Karasu's statement.

Akio flashed them a smile before grabbing both of their arms and dragged them into a training room with him. "Let's practise dribbling today. Otoya, with your agility you can definitely sometimes combine that with your dribbling skills that i'm about to teach you and i'm not joking, you will be amazing at sneaking past your opponents. Like a real ninja."

"And Karasu, with your feints for example, by improving your dribbling skills, it would be really good for your ego as you can probably play a One v Eleven during matches and most likely score a goal."

Akio watched as the duo absorbed the information that they were given and both nodded their heads in understoodment. (bro r u telling me that this^ isn't a word?! It sounds like one tho and if it isn't then what's the proper word)

Karasu stood and analysed the way the whitenette took a moment to demonstrate one of the types of dribbling he was going to learn today. Ball Roll Rabona.

Showing the crow exactly what he needed to practise, Akio made sure he was doing it correctly, before slowly making his way towards the person who was eager to learn from the male. "I hope ya watched closely to that cause you will also be learning that today."

Akio demonstrated another type of dribbling that the duo was going to master. Rainbow Flick. "This won't be as easy for you as it will be for Karasu cause he already has great ball control whiles you're sorta lacking."

Akio showcased how to control the ball with quick footwork and weaving through the cones effortlessly.

He emphasized the importance of close ball control, body positioning, and using both feet to confuse opponents. Who knew he was such a great coach?

Definitely not me.

As Karasu and Otoya practiced under Akio's guidance, they began to grasp the techniques at such a fast pace which Akio expected. Their confidence growing with every time they successfully dribble past the holograms.

Akio's patient and detailed instruction paved the way for them to become more skilled and versatile players on the field, they were grateful and in awe.

Something in Otoya's mind just suddenly clicked.

"Fucking hell that was insane. You do this on a daily basis?"

"Damn fucking right i do and that's not half of what i do."

"What?! You have to do more! How the fuck do you live after that." Karasu gasped. "I guess we will never know cause i ain't got a clue how i do it either."

"I mean you are a prodigy so what are we expecting."

"True true. Anyways, time for yogaaa~" Akio cheered, "What? We still have to move, are you jokinggg." the duo whined.

Akio came back with yoga mats and lays them on the floor, laughing at the two exhausted figures that he dragged across the floor so they were on top of the mats. "It'll make your body feel better, especially from the aching you'll feel tomorrow. Plus it's an aftercare for your body that you should always be doing, like Rinnie~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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