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"Enough training for today. Rinnie, you've already improved so much?
I'm honestly so fucking proud and we only worked on dribbling today." Akio praised.

Rin just layed on the ground panting, trying to regain his breathe back after the insane workout he just went through, but somehow still managed to put his arms up in the air with a thumbs up.

"Ya still up for yoga?"

Rin groaned remembering that he still had to do his aftercare for his body and slowly began to get up, making his way over to his yoga mat. "..agh, my body really hurts."

"Aww can poor Rinnie not handle this basic training~?" Akio teased him, "Basic? That was not fucking basic, you were definitely trying to kill me."

Akio chuckled at the whiny child that was doing yoga, complaining about the training he just went through. "Was it really that bad? Luna calls that baby work and i agree with him for once."

Rin just ignored the whitenette and continued stretching. Taking in deep breaths, Rin started with some gentle stretches to release the tension in his muscles.

With each pose becoming more complicated, Akio couldn't resist the urge to join in on the 'fun' Rin was having anymore. He bolted out the room at full speed, desperately searching for a yoga mat.

His eagerness and excitement caused him to leave a trail of random things he chucked behind him after realising they weren't the item he was looking for. The clean and tidy path that he once walked on was now filled with piles of chaos scattered everywhere.

It was a mess.

Real big mess, but despite the chaos he caused, he successfully located the yoga mats.

Flashing a wide grin towards the cameras, he mouthed a 'Sorry!' before running away from the crime scene in a giggling fit.

The person behind the cameras was beyond pissed at the scene the child caused in front of him and was slowly planning his revenge. "A-Akio is very lively and childish for a nineteen year old boy!"

"That brat. Anri, give him the special blue lock uniform i designed for him." Ego grinned maniacally.

"A-Ah yes! Right away." Anri nervously nodded and rushing out the room. "Phew. What a relief to get out of that suffocating room, good luck Akio." She sweatdropped at the thought of the whitenette in the uniform.

As Rin gracefully moved from one pose to another, he was suddenly interrupted by some heavy ass footsteps that was coming closer to the room every second, and before he knew it Akio busted in through the door with a mat on his back, like a cape. "IM FINALLY HERE AND READY TO JOIN YOU, RINNIE!!"

"You're to loud." Rin scolded the man child. "Ahh sorry, Daddy Rinnie! I'll try being more quiet. ..Shhh i'm a little mouse mew mew." Akio whispered.

"I'm almost done cause you took so fucking long but i've still got a couple to do."

"Yosh!" The white hearted male cheered.


Akio once again tried acting like a quiet mouse whiles preparing his mat next to Rin's and trying to mimic his movements with a 99% accuracy. After all he was flexible himself, it's just his inner child wanted to mess around.

It was quite the sight to see as his brother and soon-to-be boyfriend was attempting to do yoga together, their expressions kept switching from back and forth between determination and laughter. It melted Sae's heart at the sight of the two people he cherished finally getting along with each other.

Sae stood up after witnessing the heart warming moment between the two people he loved and walked away with mixed emotions.


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