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You are finally approaching the town of Rosevale. Just a few more kilometers and you should see the small town from atop your horse. Sebastian's family lives right outside of the far end of town. You haven't seen him in over a month and are glad you could ride out again to see him. Just as you pass over a hill, you see your first glimpse of the town.

Something is wrong.

The normally peaceful village has smoke billowing up into the sky above it. The smoke looks like an unnatural red color that's consistent with the vampires dark magic, Blood Magic. You take off on top of your pitch black horse, Vortex, towards the town. Your heart drops as you have flashbacks to the guards showing up on your doorstep.

Not again. This can't happen to me again.

Your mind flashes to the sight of your mothers mutilated corpse being buried. The marks of a vampire tearing out her throat, but not before covering her in claw marks and wounds.

Not again.

You motion for Vortex to gallop faster hoping you can get there in time. You race through the small town, seeing all the bodies that are drained of blood, some burnt partially, and some torn up with organs splattered around. You see a few people with the City Guard uniform for this town, those deaths were particularly messy. There are heads and other various body parts laying scattered by the barracks. You rush past all of this, not wasting a second to slow down or search for survivors.

He has to live. He has to. I can't lose him.

You get through town and realize that there is less carnage on this side of town. You hope Sebastian's house is far enough outside the town's gates that they don't attack there. Finally you reach his house. You practically launch off of your horse and pull out a short sword as you do. You've never fought a vampire before, and you hope the stories of them are exaggerated.

I have to hurry! Maybe I can save him.

With your sword in hand, you run through the already open front door.

All I need is a chance.

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