Chapter 8 - Her Sword

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You black out again as the pain gets to be too much. Everything fades away into black, and the only thought that registers through the pain is: I can't die yet.

You show them the way to the hideout, making sure they'll remember where it is as you go. You get there and Alex, Mark, Caitlyn, and Peyton are there. You also see Reis there now. They're all sitting around a little fire on the roof of the building. Of course, they're all drinking beer.

I feel like the stronger people are the more parties they have. I guess when you risk your life daily, you gotta have some fun sometimes.

Mark waves his beer bottle over, "Oh hey Sebastian, when did you show up?"

"They're staying with me for the foreseeable future, it's why I've been gone for so long," you somewhat explain the situation. All you care about right now is killing the asshole who had the guts to pick a fight with you.

"This is Jake, you can trust him. He's also staying with me," you point at Jake before then waving your hand at each of them and saying, "The girl is Caitlyn, that's Mark, Alex is the guy with pink hair, Peyton is the guy over there with hair to his shoulders, and Reis is the one with blue hair."  Sebastian had actually never met Reis before since Reis is barely ever around. Jake nodded at their names and you could tell he would try to remember them.

"Who wants to come steal some weapons and light an armory on fire? There is also the possibility of fighting some assholes as well as guards," you ask impatiently.

Reis asks, "Damn who pissed you off?"

"Someone stole something from me. I need it back, and we're trying to draw them out. This wasn't some random robbery, it was professional and they only took one thing."

Mark says, "Count me in, I don't like knowing that there's others out there causing as much trouble as we do."

Caitlyn shrugs, "Sounds like fun, but I have an out of town job in the morning so I'd rather not risk getting hurt while trying to keep you guys out of too much trouble."

"Gee thanks Mom," Peyton says sarcastically, "Good to know you have faith in us."

Caitlyn shrugs again, "And who saved your ass from the damn guard with an ice ability?" Peyton rolls his eyes, but you can tell he's also in.

Reis shrugs, "I don't have anything better to do and the few vampires in town have been lying low for some reason."

Did they smell me out already? They aren't going to be happy. Either the vampires are going to be territorial or cowards. It's the only reason for them to hide in human cities.

Alex nods, "If it's this important then I can't miss it."

"Great, because I have a new trick I picked up," you smirk thinking about your fire abilities.

Peyton remarks, "I don't suppose we get to see what it is do we?"

"Nope, that ruins the surprise."

I wonder what they'll think. Reis is the only one who can use magic and I don't even know what his is.

You spend a bit planning and decide that you'll make your move in one day. You want to attack now, but you haven't slept yet and neither has Jake or Sebastian. The sun is getting close to rising and you don't want to go into a fight unprepared.


After you've gotten a few hours of sleep, you walk down into your kitchen and see Jake.

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