Chapter 10 - Her Shitty Birthday

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Sebastián goes to bandage Melissa's neck, but finds that it is already healed. "Impossible...Unless..." he didn't want to think about that. What if she was becoming a vampire? She was healing way to fast to be anything human.

Back in the groups hideout, Mark is asking you who Henry was. You really don't want to answer, but it's exhausting to dodge the questions. "He was my father," you explain bluntly.

Mark asks, "Wait, you mean the kick your ass outta the house father?"

"No, I mean the father who gave me hugs and made sparkles and rainbows fall out of everyone's asses. What do you think?"

Peyton snickers at your sarcasm, "Well that sure wasn't his magic power so I think it's the first one. But who cares about that? Let's talk about your fire shit. Lighting bonfires just became so much easier."

""Who cares about bonfires? Arson just got easier," Mark points out.

"Look, you're all missing the point," you roll your eyes.

Sebastian snorts, "Finally someone says something sensible."

"The point is, I don't have to bother making homeade flamethrowers anymore, and this fire is untraceable," you smile thinking of all the time you can spend learning to make new weapons.

Sebastian sighs, "Right, none of you are capable of being reasonable."

Reis appears out of nowhere and says, "Objectively, it's most useful at burning vampires alive," then he disappears again and appears in the rafters of the building.

You roll your eyes at his stunt.

I really want to know what his magic is and how the fuck he does that.

Jake whispers to Sebastian, "Has everyone forgotten that Syl is going to be a guard soon and thus will be found out very quickly if she uses her magic for criminal shit?"

"They're just glossing over that fact because no one wants to think about guard duty. Most of them are lucky enough to have a family member doing guards duty. The names all go into a registry and most of them are still in the registry as living with their families," Sebastian starts his own side conversation, explaining everything to Jake.

After some arguing over the most useful thing your fire magic can be used for, Mark speaks up and says, "I say instead of the usual sad party, we go blow shit up for Sylver's birthday party."

"Have you forgotten that I don't ever show up to said party and you guys just use it as an excuse to buy more weapons we can screw around with?" You scoff.

I hate those damn parties. Let's celebrate the day my mother died and I was kicked out of my house.

"We can use the rest of the fuel in the flamethrowers, since you won't be needing those anymore," Peyton smirks. You roll your eyes but shrug, not caring what they do that day.


Your birthday rolls around and Sebastian notices that some of the flamethrowers are missing. Reis is out of town on another excursion so Peyton, Mark, and Alex are most likely causing some chaos.

Caitlyn should be running around keeping their asses out of trouble like normal.

Jake walks down the stairs and looks around, "Where's Silver? She's always in here first."

"She's in her room. She won't leave her room today," Sebastian sighs. "I'll check on her later if I get lucky and she forgot to lock her door."

I forgot he doesn't know about this. We never talk about today, it just happens. Sylver drinks in her room and the others party without her.

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