Chapter 2 - The Journey

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Before you can react, the vampire is in front of you. It launches you against the wall and turns back to finish off Laurel. You hear a crack and your entire body is wracked with pain. You broke at least multiple ribs and probably more. You try to get up but the pain is too much. You lay there helpless as you see the vampire kill the little girl.

You and Sebastian go back to the farm and grab the horses as well as rice and other crops that they were storing. Sebastian and his family have 6 horses plus Vortex. They are loaded with most of the supplies. If it were just you and Sebastian, you could make the journey in less than a week, but since you are all walking it will take you weeks if not over a month. Most of the villagers are older and need to rest more often. There are a few towns you will stop by on the journey, until then you have to figure out how to get blood.

"You know you could-" Sebastian starts for the third time while you are bringing the horses back to town.



"Not a chance."

"You could do it."

"Over my dead body."

"Technically, you are dead, so you could-"

"Over my rotting corpse."

Sebastian keeps trying to let you drink his blood on the journey since he knows you don't want to hurt the villagers. Youve killed people before, but they all deserved it, you can't bring yourself to attack the villagers who you are protecting. "Besides, If we get attacked, it's up to me and you to protect them, so I can't have you being weakened by anything."

"That's not why you're refusing and you know it," Sebastian points out. He knows you too well.

"Still a good enough excuse, even if it's the second reason," you counter, knowing that it's impossible to lie to him. No matter how much of a sociopath you've turned into, you've never been able to lie to Sebastian.

"Keep telling yourself that," Sebastian remarks as you finally reach the ruins of the town. Everyone is getting ready to leave. There are a few horses that other farmers had but in a town like this, theres little money for horses. People can barely feed themselves, feeding other animals is normally out of the question. You both walk up holding the reins for the horses and you wait while Sebastian converses with the villagers. The others are uneasy about you since they have never seen you before, and you have too much social anxiety to deal with that many people. They obviously dont want you there and you dont see why you should try to change their minds.

Sebastian plans the route of travel with the other villagers but in the middle of it one middle aged man shouts, "I dont see why shes here with us! None of us except Sebastian has ever even met her! Shes just another mouth to feed if not some vampire thats hiding among us!"

You're shocked that in the middle of his outrage, he actually guessed right. You know he doesnt mean it but it still puts you on edge. You hear Sebastian say, "Shes the best fighter here. If we get into trouble with bandits or even vampires, shes the only one who has a chance of stopping them!" You sigh knowing this is where you have to show them some proof.

You walk up to them and show the man your tattoo on your hip. His eyes widen in fear as you say, "Look, I'm sure most of you haven't heard of me clear out here in the boonies, but I'm a famous mercenary. My name is Sylver, and if you have a problem with me, then I have no problem leaving your ass unprotected when something bad goes wrong. I'm here to keep Sebastian safe. I'm only going to protect you all as a favor to him. I don't care if you dont like me, but I'm the one keeping all of your asses alive so I at least deserve some fucking respect."

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