Chapter 9 - Henry

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Sebastián is watching helplessly as your unconscious body is shaking. He can't tell what is going on, other than the fact that she is in incredible amounts of pain. He wishes he could do something, but knows he can't. He focuses on stopping her neck from bleeding anymore by bandaging it.

Everyone has gathered in your living room, ready to fight. Alex has a battle axe on his back.

You huff mock-sarcastically, "Can't believe you went and got a new toy without me. I could use one of those."

Peyton chuckles, "Where you gonna put it? If you add any more secret holes to this house, it'll be hollow." 

"I could mount that shit. No one would believe I know how to use it. Perfect surprise," you shrug and start pointing at the wall, "There's still some space over there, or there, maybe you should just give the axe to me Alex."

Alex shakes his head, "I am not giving you my brand new axe."

"It was worth a shot."

Sebastian rolls his eyes, "You are not getting an axe the next time you see one. I know how this ends up. You have enough weapons."

"You're so boring. I haven't fought using a battle axe since I was 14, and that one got destroyed."

"Yeah, I remember that axe. You really thought you wouldn't destroy it when you strapped a bomb to it and hit that guard with it?" Sebastian smirks remembering you taking out a bunch of guards with it.

You're the one who let me get bored. There wasn't anything to do and the guards were asking for it.

"I knew it would break, I just didn't imagine I wouldn't find another one in so long," you shrug. Sebastian sighs, exasperated at your little regard for anything.

Reis barks impatiently, "Are we going or not?"

You nod, "Yeah, just give it a minute."

Mark raises his eyebrow, "Wait, are you stalling? You, of all people?"

You open your mouth to speak but can't find anything to deny it, "Look... There's only three people who knew about that sword. Me, Sebastian, and someone who has been dead for 4 years. If someone found out about it then the sword is more important than I thought or he is alive."

And I can't fight him, but I might have to. I want to kill him, more than I've ever wanted to kill someone, but I don't know if I can.

You exchange a look with Sebastian and he nods. He knows what you're thinking, and he will be there, just like last time.

You sigh, "Alright, let's go raise some hell." The group walks out of your house into the night with varying levels or excitement. Sebastian is still looking at you, worriedly. Reis is as impatient as you normally are.


You are all surrounding one of the barracks and the adjacent armory. There are 10 guards posted at various watchtowers. 9 of them have black uniforms on. There is one with a black and white uniform.

Magic user, damn. There should only be 3 magic users out of the 2000 or so guards at this building.

The others can't see as well as you in the dark so you warn them, "There a magic user on duty."

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