Chapter 1 - The Smell

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There's a figure pinning Sebastian's little sister, Laurel, against the wall, draining her. You rush up with your sword aimed for the heart. It's the only way that thing will die. The figure, no, the vampire turns around and catches the sword with his bare hand. He throws the sword to the ground, smirking at you.

You wake up with a start, standing up quickly, almost too fast. Your throat feels incredibly dry, like you haven't drank water in years. Your head hurts and your mind feels hazy. There's a smell that permeates the air. You've never smelled anything like it. Its amazing. You turn your head to the nearest object with that smell, your mind still hazy after waking up.

Moving on pure instinct you walk over to the source of the smell. Though, you arrive across the room faster than you had wanted to. Odd. You had never walked with that much excitement. You don't think much about it as you bite into the source of the smell. You are too focused on the smell to realize what you are doing.

You don't think about it much as you take your first bite. It's the sweetest flavor you thought could ever exist. You are too focused on the smell to even realize what you are doing.

The dead body is delectable. You are so lost in the taste and don't notice Sebastian entering the house.

Sebastian looks at you in partial disbelief and partial horror. He'd heard stories about you killing people, cutting off their heads or even torturing them, but before this week, he had never seen anyone die, especially not like this.

He had never known what it was like to lose a family member, the pain that wells up in your chest, the pain that never quite leaves. It just hides, waiting for the moment you're alone to make you relive everything again.

He never thought to see his family die in front of him, he never thought to live, or kill his first vampire, but he especially never thought he would see you draining what little blood is left out of his mother's dead body.

"Melissa..." he means to yell, but he can't find the strength to speak more than a whisper. It doesn't matter though, with your enhanced hearing, you reluctantly stop feeding on the body and turn around to look at him. For the first time, you realize what you have done.

You look at Sebastian in confusion, your mind finally clearing somewhat. "Oh god..." You back up into the wall not trusting yourself to be near Sebastian right now. You couldn't forgive yourself if you hurt him. "What have I done? Why? I was supposed to die. It was going to kill me! Why couldn't it have let me die?"

Sebastian looks at you very concerned, you realize that he's not even afraid of you. He's just worried, he's not terrified or disgusted at all, unlike you. You look down at your bloody hands and all you can think is:

I'm a Monster.

"Are you...ok?" Sebastian hesitates to ask, he feels awkward standing in the doorway but he doesn't want to get closer to you until he knows you won't attack him.

"Why didn't I die?" is all you can bring yourself to say.

He shrugs, "I thought you would, but instead after your heart stopped, you started screaming out in pain. I didn't think you could turn after your heart stopped... but here we are."

You sigh knowing its one of the things you've read about. Very rarely, in around a 1 in 100,000 chance, humans will conjure their own blood magic and turn after a vampire drains them of all their blood. You'd never heard of it working, and wish it had just been a legend. You don't want to be this... monster.

You're just glad the scent of all the old blood seems to mask the scent of Sebastian in front of you. You've read about how newborn vampires usually have trouble controlling themselves for weeks if not months after being turned.

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