4b. Just a Little Overprotective, Dontcha Think?

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"You know, Zora is right." Julius says with a smile on his face. "This will be a lot easier if you just confess."

"Nope. Not going to happen." Vanessa says, her arms across her chest. "If I do that then I won't get any booze for... How long would I be in prison for if I confess?"

"A murder charge is usually twenty-five to life." Marx says.

"I won't get booze for twenty-five years to... the rest of my life! I am not confessing!"

"You know, being the wizard king and all, I could change that, so you get... let's say... two bottles a day?" Julius says.

"I did it! I killed him!" Vanessa immediately confesses.

"See? Now wasn't that so much easier?" Julius asks, still smiling.

"Now, when are you going to arrest us?" Zora says.

"Oh, we won't be arresting you." Julius says, surprising Zora and Vanessa.

"What?!" Zora yells. "Why not?!"

"Did you want to go to prison?" Marx asks.

"Of course not! I'm just confused as to why you aren't." Zora says.

"Well, we needed you to confess so we could close the case. If it turned out it wasn't you we would keep looking until we found the real killer." Julius explains.

"That doesn't explain why you aren't arresting us." Vanessa says.

"Because I would've done the same." Julius smiles.


Finral is anxiously pacing in the main room of the hideout.

"Dude, would you stop with the pacing? It's gettin real annoying." Magna says, as he hits another fireball towards Luck.

"I can't help it!" Finral yells at him. "If the wizard king knows whet they did then they could end up going to prison for the rest of their lives!"

"Yeah, but there's a chance he has no idea, so calm down. "Also-" Noelle turns to Magna and Luck. "-would you two quit that?!"

"No can do, your royalness." Magna says, hitting another ball towards Luck, who kicks it back at it sender. Magna dodges it, causing the ball to hit the wall.

"If Captain Yami catches you, he's going to be pissed."

"How on earth can you be worrying about them right now when Vanessa and Zora are probably being taken to prison?!" Finral asks.

"Sorry, I'm more worried about Captain Yami's reaction to this mess." Noelle says, gesturing to the broken wall caused by Magna and Luck.

"We're back!" The four turn to see Vanessa and Zora walking into the room. "Woah. The Captain is not going to be pleased." Vanessa says, having noticed the broken wall.

"That's what I've been trying to tell them." Noelle says, annoyed.

"You're back!" Magna yells as he rushes up to the two. "How'd it go? Did the Wizard King know?"

"Calm down, there little virgin street punk." Vanessa says.

"Obviously not." Finral says, now next to Magna. "If he did then they would be in prison right now."

"Hey! You don't know." Magna turns to Vanessa. "Also, I am not a virgin street punk!"

"Yeah you are!" Luck yells, trying to get Magna to fight him again.

"Take that back!" Magna yells, getting ready to throw another fireball.

"He knew." Zora says, causing Finral to almost have a heart attack, Noelle to almost faint, Magna to trip as he was getting ready to throw the ball at Luck, who then fell off of where he was perched on the wall, Charmy to choke on her food, Gordon to audibly gasp, and Gauche to drop the picture of his sister, Marie.

"Then, how the hell are you two not in prison?!" Finral asks.

"Well, apparently, the Wizard King is just like us." Vanessa says with a little chuckle.

"Seriously?" Magna asks, looking back at Vanessa. "So, he would've killed the guy too?"

"Yup." Vanessa says.

"The only reason he didn't was because mushroom head didn't tell him that someone had put Asta into a coma." Zora added.


It's been two months since Asta was sent to the infirmary. Noelle is currently sitting at the bar in the hideout.

A letter fell into her lap. She picked it up, opened it, and read it. Her eyes grew wide upon reading it. "Guys!!" She shouts as loud as she can. No one comes so she tries again. "It's Asta!!"

As soon as the name was out of her mouth almost every member of the Black Bulls was in the main room.

"Where's Asta?" Luck asks, looking around for the ash-blonde vice-captain.

"In the hospital." Noelle says in her usual snotty tone.

"Then why... did... you call... us?" Vanessa asks, out of breath.

"Because I figured you'd all want to know she's awake." Noelle says, her nose in the air and her arms across her chest.

"Okay then." Finral says as he makes a portal. They all just stare at him. "Are we going to see Asta or not?"

Suddenly, all the members were fighting to get through the portal.

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