5. Scars (William)

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Hi, so this one gets a little bit heated... so, yeah...

William Vangeance, captain of the Golden Dawn, sat at his desk, simply looking out the window, his mask sitting on a stack of papers he was supposed to have finished hours ago. His office door opened to reveal a young ash-blonde girl with green eyes and a Black Bulls robe.

William was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't notice the presence of another person in the room with him.

Asta steps closer to the desk to get a better look at his unmasked face. She tilted her head to the side to get a better look.

Suddenly, William's head snapped in Asta's direction, making the ash-blonde jump a little. He quickly snatched his mask off the papers and placed it on his head.

Asta squinted her eyes in confusion before walking behind his desk, so she was standing in front of him.

Before William could register what was happening, his mask was in Asta's hands. "Wha-" And before he could get anything else out of his mouth, Asta was leaving gentle kisses all over his scar.

As Asta was kissing the captain's scar, she lost track of what she was doing, and her lips found his.

Once she realized what she was doing, she immediately backed up. "I-I'm so sorry!" She yelled, her face as bright as a tomato.

A smile found its way onto his lips. He stood up and walked over to her. His hand found her waist, making her face even redder. His other hand rested on her cheek as he leaned in for another kiss.

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"How often do we have to have this discussion, Yuno?" Klaus scolds as they walk down the halls of the Golden Dawn headquarters. "Honestly, I feel like we have this conversation every time we return from a mission."

"Honestly, it used to be quite funny, but now, it's just annoying." Mimosa says, absentmindedly.

"No, it's always been annoying." Klaus says.

"Whatever." Yuno says.

"You don't even listen to me." Bell adds, her hands on her hips.

"If I don't listen to them, what makes you think I'll listen to you?" Yuno questions the spirit.

Bell gasps. "Why are you so mean, Yuno?"

Yuno shushes the three.

"Why?" Mimosa asks.

"Do you hear that?" Yuno asks.

"It sounds like... moaning?" Mimosa says with a bright red face.

Yuno rushes to where it's coming from, Captain Vangeance's office. He opens the door to be met with a naked Asta on the desk and a shirtless, and maskless, William.

"Does no one knock anymore?" William asks, annoyed.

Asta, Mimosa, and Bell all have bright red faces. Klaus has to cover his nose with his sleeve to stop his bloody nose. And Yuno... well, it's hard to tell with him.

Yuno turns around, leaving the office while muttering, "He's the captain, Yuno. Don't kill him, you can't kill him."

Klaus closes the door before Asta and William get back to it.

Klaus and Mimosa rush to catch up with Yuno and Bell.

"What was that about killing the captain?" Klaus asks, wiping the blood onto his sleeve.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but he was fucking my little sister!" Yuno yells, pissed.

"But... you're an orphan." Mimosa says.

"Yeah, well, I see Asta as my actual sister, not just my foster sister, or is that not okay with you?" Yuno says, his arms crossed.

Mimosa and Klaus raise their hands, defensively. "No, no, that's fine with us."

A/N: So, I know this one was a little shorter than the others, but this was all I could come up with so, yeah. I'm hoping the title will make more sense in part 2. Yes, there will be a part 2, eventually.

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