7. Swapped

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A cave. That's where our story starts.

Yuno and Asta are fighting a mage with a mysterious magical attribute.

The mage casts a distracting spell, catching the attention of the two Magic Knights, giving the mage the opportunity they've been waiting for.

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Asta groans, holding her head as she sits up.

"You alright, Yuno?" She asks, her eyes snapping wide open when she hears the voice of Yuno come out of her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm good, Asta." Yuno replies in Asta's voice.

The two look at each other, seeing their own bodies as if they are looking into a mirror.

"Yuno?" Asta asks, unsure.

"Yeah, what happened?"

"Not sure."

"We... should probably head back to the capital while we figure this out." Yuno suggests.

"...Yeah." Asta agrees, nodding. "What're you doing?" She asks, seeing Yuno move his arms.

"You're a lot more muscular than you look..." Yuno mumbles.

Asta puts her fists on her hips. "Yeah, tends to surprise people." She says, smiling.

Rustling can be heard behind them. The two turn to find a person dressed in black, a bag over his shoulder.

Before the thief could say or do anything, Yuno moved to use his Wind Magic, but nothing happened.

"Uh-oh..." Asta says, her eyes widening again.

Yuno turned to the girl in his body. "What's wrong, Asta?" He asks, allowing the thief to escape.

"Uhm..." She starts, turning to face her best friend. "You know how we're kinda in each other's bodies?"

"Uh... Yes, I mean, I am in your body, you're in mine." He states.

"Right... And how I'm, uh... 'magicless'?" Asta asks with finger quotes.

"Yeah..." Yuno says, not sure where she's going with this.

"Well, uh, 'm not magicless, I do have magic, but I usually wear a mana concealer to hide it..." Asta says, nervously.

"Mana concealer?" Yuno questions, his eyes squinted in thought.

"Yeah. You know, the magic item that stops someone from using their magic and hiding their mana." Asta says.

"How did you get a mana concealer and when?"

"Uh... about three weeks before we went to the grimoire tower."

"How did you manage to pay for it?"

"Uh... let's just say, I got a two-month testing period." Asta mumbles, looking away from Yuno in shame.

"You stole it?!" Yuno asks, his eyes widening.

Asta turns to him, her hands raised defensively. "Yeah, but as soon as I got my first wages, I made sure to give the store I stole it from twice the Yul it cost."

"So, you have magic?" Asta nods. "What's your attribute then?"

"Uh... which one...?" Asta asks.

"What do you mean 'which one'?!"

"I mean, I have three." Asta says, crossing her arms.

Yuno's eyes widen. "Three?"


"How...? How is it even possible to have three attributes?"

"By having three grimoires." Asta states, somewhat questioningly.

"Alright, then let's start with the... um, you have three grimoires?"

"Yep, clover, spade, and I'm not entirely sure what to call the other one."

"Then, what attribute does the clover grimoire hold?"

"Blood Magic."


"Devil Magic."

"And the last one?"

"Ancient Magic."

Yuno nods his head, processing the information his best friend gave him. "...we... we should get back to the capital." He says, walking out of the cave.

"Wait, Yuno!" Asta yells, getting the now ash-blonde's attention.

He turns around. "What, Asta? What is it? Do you just so happen to know a spatial magic type spell?" He asks, sarcastically.

"Well... yeah..." Asta says.

Yuno sighs, closing his eyes. "Of course you do."

"Come on." Asta says as a black portal appears next to her.

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"So, how are we supposed to handle this?" Asta asks as the two walk down the corridor towards the Wizard King's office.

"I say we just live with this until we figure out how to switch our bodies back."

"Sounds good to me."

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Asta walks down the corridor of the Golden Dawn base towards Yuno's room for a good night's rest.

"Yuno!" She hears Mimosa call as the sound of footsteps can be heard.

Asta turns around, remembering that she is supposed to be pretending to be Yuno for now.

"Is something wrong, Mimosa? Sir Spectacles?" Asta asks, tilting her head.

"Are you alright, Yuno?" Klaus asks before resting his chin on his hand in thought. "Hm. Perhaps you've been spending too much time with Asta."

"Th-that's probably it." Asta says, inwardly cringing because she's supposed to be pretending to be Yuno.

Mimosa shakes off the, current, ravenette's words. "So, how was your mission, Yuno?"

"Not well, the guy got away." Asta says, mentally slapping herself.

Klaus pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Perhaps you ought to get some rest, you seem off."

"Yeah." Asta says, before quickly walking off. "Well, goodnight!" She calls over her shoulder.

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Meanwhile, with Yuno...

Yuno walks into the Black Bulls' hideout, cringing because he's not used to the dinginess.

"Oh, Asta, you're back!" Vanessa yells, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "Care to have a drink?" She asks, holding out a bottle of wine.

Yuno looks at Vanessa with a neutral face. "But I'm only fifteen..."

"So what? What nobody knows won't hurt them." Vanessa says, her face now inches from the ash-blonde's.

Yuno's face contorts into that of confusion. "But... I'll know. Too much will hurt me..."

Vanessa backs away from Yuno. "Are you alright, kiddo? You seem a bit off."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I probably just need a bit of rest."

"Right, well good night. Something wrong?" Vanessa asks, seeing Yuno not moving.

"Uh..." Yuno starts, scratching his neck. "I forgot where my room is..." Yuno mutters.

"Alright, come on, Dorksta." Noelle says, walking down the hall. "But this is the last time I'm showing you your room!" She calls over her shoulder.

Yuno shakes his head before running to catch up with the silver-haired royal.

A/N: Part 2?

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