Abigail stared at the plain wall in her room before pulling herself up to take a quick shower and get dressed. The house had been so quiet since April moved out, Which she explained that Reed thought she wasn't moving until two more days but ended up moving in that day.
Abigail walked into the hospital and changed into her scrubs.
"Wait,so Meredith saw you and Alex together?" Abigail asked as the two girls walked side by side. "Basically." Lexie nodded. "God,I don't know what I'd do if my sisters walked in on me while I was in the middle of sex." Abigail cringed at the thought.
"Well,more like the beginning of sex. You know,the making out,getting naked part." Lexie said. "Even worse." Abigail shook her head.
Abigail and the rest of the intern walked behind Cristina as they walked into the E.R. "The E.R. can be a candy store. You've got car crashes,impalements. What do you got?" Cristina asked the nurse.
"Sprained ankle and an infected bunion." The nurse told her as Cristina turned to her interns. "It can also strip you of your will to live. Okay,go,troll,find me something good."
"Dr. Yang." Lexie stepped forward,making Abigail look at her in confusion. "Yeah?" Cristina asked. "Had Meredith said anything to you about me?" The confusion disappeared off of Abigail's face when Lexie spoke.
Lexie continued, "'Cause she's been avoiding me for days." Cristina sighed. "You know,what did I say to you about talking to me about your personal life?" She asked when a woman pushed through the doors and started screaming.
"Help! My—my baby. I-I was carrying her down the stairs and I fell,and she hit her head. She was crying in the car, and now she's not crying anymore." The woman began crying as Lexie,Abigail,and Cristina put on gloves.
"I'm too scared to look. Someone please tell me my baby's alive. She can't be dead,right?" The woman sobbed. "Okay,let me have the baby—" Cristina tried.
"You don't die from just falling down the stairs." The woman asked. "Please,let me help. Let me help." Cristina said as she took the baby.
"I'll take the baby. That's fine. Okay." Cristina sat the baby on the gurney. "Oh,my god." The woman cried.
"She's breathing." Cristina said after she checked the baby to see if she was breathing or not. "Her fontanelle feels tense. She's lethargic. Take her to trauma two and page shepherd." Cristina handed the baby to Abigail as she and Lexie walked off.
Skyline ★ Grey's Anatomy
Romancewhat if April Kepner had another sister? Abigail or Abby Kepner was one of the middle children in the Kepner family. She was younger than April and Libby, but older than Kimmy and Alice. grey's anatomy fanfic