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"You Like Her?" I said out loud.

I don't know why I am behaving like this but I am angry at Hyung. How can he like her in this short period of time. I mean she is beautiful, kind, sweet, adorable and sometimes cute but that can't be the reason for him to like her, right?

He chuckled after my sudden outburst and she looked confused.

"Ya pabo. Of course I like her..." He said and took a long pause because of which my heart beat increased.

"... But as a sister." Tae hyung later said and I suddenly felt relieved by his answer. Why? 

"Oppaa~~ really?" Jiya said cutely.

Aww... She look so cute. Wait why do I find her cute?

Anyways I am happy that hyung think of her like his sister because I don't want things to get complicated.

"Ya Jungkooka!" Tae hyung said shaking my shoulder.

"Huh... what hyung... you said something?"

"Ya I called you multiple times but got no response. What are you thinking?"

"Umm sorry hyung. Nothing"

"Anyways I was telling you that I am taking Jiya out today. She must be bored here." He declared and I immediately said ,"No".

"Why?" They both said at the same time.

I myself don't know why I refused.

They both were eagerly looking at me for answers.

"Umm... because what if someone saw her with you. It will be a huge trouble." I said whatever came to my mind.

Hyung chuckled and said, " It's not a problem we will go to a restaurant and eat in a private room. Jiya wants to go out and try korean food."

I looked at Jiya and saw her smiling and pleading with her eyes. But why didn't she told me that she wants to go out. I could have taken her out.

Anyways if she wants to go out then I am nobody to stop her.

I said okay but told them to be careful.

They smiled and thanked me. They started going towards the door. They didn't even ask me once whether I want to go with them or not. Huh!

When Jiya was about to go out of the door she turned and looked into my eyes with her fidgeting hands. Whenever she is nervous she plays with her hands.

She slowly came back towards me and looked at her hands.

"Umm... Do you...do you want to come with us?" She nervously asked.

I smiled but she didn't saw it.

I masked a serious look on my face and asked her," Are you sure?"

She looked up and nodded. She was waiting for my answer when Tae hyung shouted from the door, "Come quickly Jiya."

Instead of her, I replied, "Wait a minute hyung, we are coming."

The moment I declared my decision she smiled.

She smiled because of me.


All three of us are sitting and eating food in a traditional Korean restaurant's private room. We ordered both veg and non-veg food. Because Jiya loves sweets, we also ordered load of desserts. I clearly remember, the moment she sees something sweet, a smile automatically appears on her face. 

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