19. Bias

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"I don't know if you will accept my apology but I made something for you. If you think that you can give a second chance to our friendship then please accept it." I said all this and stood a little away from the dining table so that she could see the cake. I don't know why but I was feeling nervous.

She saw the cake and came forward to see what was written on the cake

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She saw the cake and came forward to see what was written on the cake. When she saw, her eyes widened and she looked at me.

I knew it. She will not accept my apology. But what happened next, I didn't expect that.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..." She laughed. She laughed so hard which automatically brought a smile on my face.

"Oh my God Jungkook....hahah...wh-why did you write that on the cake... Hahaha...I...I know I shouldn't laugh...but...hahah this is so funny. And ...hahaha you are not a piece of shit, you dumb." She was still laughing saying all these things. I felt relieved that she doesn't consider me a piece of shit.

After calming herself down, she tried to look serious but I knew it was all a pretense. I know she has already accepted my apology. But to confirm, I asked, "So does that mean that you have forgiven me?"

She looked into my eyes but didn't utter a word. After sometime, when I was about to loose hope, she said, "On one condition."

"I agree." Without thinking I accepted her condition.

"First listen to the condition." She said in a serious tone.

"Tell me, what's the condition?" I am not afraid to accept any condition.

"First, I am not going to eat the 'shit' part of the cake. Second, you are going to eat that and before that I will click a picture of you with that." She said while crossing her hands looking intimidated.

I have no problem with the first point and about second point there is no harm of her having a picture of me eating shit... I mean eating a cake piece on which shit is written.

"Okay I agree." As soon as I said, I saw a devilish smile on her face for a moment and then she composed herself. I think I saw something wrong. Yeah, that must be the case. Anyway I was waiting for her reply when she smiled genuinely and said, "I forgive you, Jungkook. But if you ever doubted my thoughts for others in a wrong way, then I will never talk to you. And FYI, I consider them as my brothers so you don't have to worry about that."

What about me? What do you think of me? I wanted to ask her these questions but couldn't.

"I know. And again I am really sorry for the misunderstanding." I said.

Then she cut the cake where 'shit' was written. After putting it in a plate she gave it to me and clicked a few pictures of me while giggling.

"Perfect. Now let me taste the cake. I am famished." She said and cut a piece of cake for her and tasted it. I was waiting for her reaction when she was eating the cake. She took a bite and then looked at me. She was raising her eyebrows as if there is something wrong in the cake. She took another bite. "Mmmm...yummy... It's so good, Jungkook. From where did you buy this cake? I will order the same one next time as well. It's so good. I love it." She was saying and eating at the same time. Soon she finished her cake and started cutting the cake again for herself. Watching her liking the cake baked by me, made me happy.

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