chapter 1 Broken record

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At shegal's mansion

A man in his late thirties sauntered into the living room, his demeanor cold and calculated, the file in his hand a symbol of authority. As he made his way towards the stairs, he was intercepted by the sound of a familiar voice calling out his name."abhiyan, why are you late? And what's in your hand?" inquired his brother, a hint of curiosity lacing his tone.

Abhiyan's eyes narrowed slightly as he turned to face his brother, his expression devoid of warmth. "Bhai, I got stuck in a board meeting, lost track of time. And this file? It's all about new admissions at T.U.R." he replied curtly, his voice carrying an air of indifference

His brother's brow furrowed in confusion. "Admissions in the middle of the semester? We never do that, abhiyan. Why now?" he pressed, a note of skepticism coloring his words.

Abhiyan lips curved into a cold smirk as he leaned against the nearest surface, his demeanor aloof. "Well, the board meeting was about this. There's a kid, incredibly talented, broke the entrance exam score record. We felt she deserved admission," he explained tersely, his eyes gleaming with ambition rather than excitement.

"Wait, you mean Abhimanyu Rathore's record is broken? That's the news of the day!" exclaimed Abhishek, his voice filled with astonishment.

Abhiyan nodded, his smirk morphing into a calculating grin. "Yeah, his record's history now," he confirmed, relishing the power dynamics at play.

Just then, a voice from behind them chimed in, drawing their attention. "They're home? I thought they were at the Rathore mansion," abhiyan whispered to Abhishek, his tone conspiratorial.

Abhishek nodded, acknowledging the change in plans. "Yeah, they canceled their plans. Okay, you guys chat, I've got work," he said, excusing himself from the conversation and exiting the room.

Left alone with his nephew and friends, abhiyan 's gaze hardened as he observed their playful banter. "You're not dodging us, Chachu," Aryan quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Abhiyan's response was icy as he maintained his cold demeanor. "The entrance record made by the great Abhimanyu Rathore,is now broken" he declared with a calculated flourish, fully expecting the ensuing laughter.

"It was a good one, Chachu, got a laugh out of it," Shivanya chimed in, her laughter infectious.

But abhiyan's demeanor remained stoic as he delivered the bombshell news. "It wasn't a joke. There's a new record of 95.5 now," he announced, his tone devoid of emotion.

The kids looked at him in disbelief, their initial amusement replaced by uncertainty.Aryen's expression shifted, his eyes widening in realization. "Wait, Abhimanyu Bhai record? That's a big deal," he exclaimed, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Abhiyan nodded curtly, his gaze unwavering. "Indeed, it is," he replied, his voice tinged with authority. The entrance exam is notoriously difficult. It’s designed to filter out all but the absolute best, with only the highest IQ students even coming close to qualifying. In fact, it's the same exam that university students take as a semester exam. Abhimanyu's record was considered untouchable—until now.

The room fell silent as the significance of the revelation settled upon them. Breaking Abhimanyu's record wasn't just an achievement; it was a monumental feat. This wasn't just any university; it was one of the most prestigious in the world, known for its grueling exams and fierce competition. The stress was palpable, and their minds raced with questions.

"Who's in this genius who scored that high?" Aarav asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Abhiyan's gaze remained steely as he revealed the truth. "It's a new admission to the university," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Kavya, eyes widening in disbelief, couldn't contain her shock. "A new admission in the middle of the semester? That goes against the law of the university," she exclaimed, her tone filled with incredulity and concern, as she confronted Reyansh's decision.

Chaos ensued as the kids grappled with the implications of such a revelation. "How? It's against university law!" Ishani exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

"Exactly, isn't it dangerous?" added Rudr, his voice overlapping abhiyan's attempt to respond.

Abhiyan's patience wore thin as he silenced the room with a commanding tone. "Silence! Yes, it goes against our laws, but we made an exception because this kid deserves it. There's no discussion."

Abhiyan started to walk out, his steps purposeful until he reached the middle of the room. With a swift turn, he fixed his gaze on the group. "If I see any of you causing problems for the new student, be ready to face the board members," he said in a cold, stern voice before exiting the room, leaving the kids in contemplative silence.

As the door closed behind him, a heavy silence descended upon the room, the weight of Abhiyan' s warning lingering in the air like an ominous cloud. The kids exchanged uneasy glances, their minds racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

Suddenly, Abhiraj voice cut through the silence like a blade. "Prepare yourself for the worst because we're going to make your life a living hell," he declared, his tone dripping with venomous intent. "We hate outsiders, and you're one of them

His words hung in the air, charged with malice and determination. The group exchanged a silent, sinister pact, their expressions hardening with resolve as they plotted to unleash their collective fury upon the unsuspecting new student. With a shared glance, they knew that their mission was clear: to make her regret ever setting foot in their university.

"We will make sure you will leave the university itself," added Rudra, his voice cold and ominous, sealing their pact with a vow of expulsion.

In their eyes, she's just another newcomer to torment, but little do they know, she carries the weight of destiny upon her shoulders. Their hatred fuels her resolve, propelling her towards a fate intertwined with theirs. They may seek her expulsion, but she's bound for something far greater-a destiny that will leave them trembling in her wake."

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(The chapter was short i will upload
Chapter 2 very soon
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conversation between abhiyan and his nephew and his friends ?

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